Thursday 4 December 2008

Phones AGAIN

Just heard from Dad.

His phone has died - so he's asked for my old one.  He doesn't know the saga of the new phone yet.  So I've cleaned out my old phone and I'm posting to him today.


Unless you WANT to talk to my Dad.

I can still receive txts and phone calls on my new phone - I just can't reply or ring out until tomorrow when it gets fixed.


Hilary Syddall said...

Not a good time for phones all round then!

Claire EJ said...

Wow, what is it with phones lately?

[sorry about the brain freeze LOL]

Rachel Cox said...

pHONES - can't live without them, cou.d do without them!

Shawn Medrano said...

Glad that you were able to help your Dad out. Somedays I wish my phone would quit working. lol Renee is still bugging me for one.......not happening for a few more years!!

Paula Hubert said...

Wow - I hope my phone doesn't catch whatever seems to be running round the universe!

Glad you had a phone to send out to your Dad!

Claire EJ said...

Hope it goes well today when you take it in to get a replacement!

Melissa Hicks said...

It did - I was treated like a real person (I'm a REAL boy!)

They had me fixed up with a new phone in a jiffy.

they completely understood what I was talking about - they were friendly, helpful - oh my! Heaven is the inside of an Apple store!

They were even nice enough to try and talk me out of the expensive leather case I bought for it :) Mmmm leather .....

Claire EJ said...

Er hello....finances!!! LOL.

Jim Westlake said...

Far be it for me to be a kill joy, but I concur with Claire on the expenses thing! ;)

Claire EJ said...

And it's really not like me to rein in the $$'s...but, you did say to yell loudly if you overspent LOl.

Claire EJ said...

And it's really not like me to rein in the $$'s...but, you did say to yell loudly if you overspent LOl.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yes you are both correct - but I look at it as preventative maintenance - this way if I drop the damned thing it will be less likely break ....

That's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

Its going to be tight this pay fortnight what with Christmas extras, but I think it will still be doable.

Claire EJ said...

Good logic...good excuse, still a slapped wrist though LOL

Melissa Hicks said...

And I take the slapped wrist. It is what I asked you to do :) And I know that the more you make me think, the less I will be likely to do things like this and the sooner I will get my debts paid off.

Jim Westlake said...

After you've paid yours can you please make a start on mine?

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