Friday 12 December 2008

Tantrum - feel free to ignore


OK I know I've put myself on a self-imposed stash diet ....

I missed seeing this one before and I REALLY want it.

Not buying the kit really hurts ....

I have the money this pay but it needs to go on other things to reduce my debts.

But I REALLY want this one.

Wonder if its too late to ask Santa for a Christmas present? (hmmm no chimney, no stocking ... no belief in anthropomorphic Coke advertisements - could be an issue!)

If any unexpected and therefore unbudgeted money comes through in the next few months - the cash is going on the kit for this.

I've broken my promise already by subscribing to the chart ....  I'll collect the chart pieces for now.



Janine Smith said...

So Mel, I take it you are a bit keen on this design then.

(tongue in cheek)

Melissa Hicks said...

Gee was it that obvious ???? {grin}

I've kinda gone off Chatelaine designs in the last year or so - her huge Mandalas just aren't doing it for me.

I've still been collecting the Midi Mysteries - but apart from them, this is the ONLY design that has actually caught me in over two years!

Jim Westlake said...

Bad girl!

Melissa Hicks said...

Ooooh Jim - offering to spank me ???

In all seriousness - had a really bad week here with various things going on. Finances wise I've done well for the fortnight so far so we will see next pay whether buying the chart alone was too much.

Mariann Mäder said...

Mel, rest assured you're not the only one who likes this, but I'm still amazed that you like it to the point of breaking your self-imposed stash-diet!

Hilary Syddall said...

Sometimes things have to give! It is only a very small waver by getting the chart

Melissa Hicks said...

It really is the only design since the inception of the diet that has really grabbed me by the throat !!!!

Mariann Mäder said...

That's good then. I'll probably join you AND even get the kit as this one's not too expensive. Need to gift myself with a little something for Christmas after all...

The announcement about the Gloriana silks going up in price means I'm going to look into ordering another kit before the year runs out :-( Both without the fabric though.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - I was looking at that too ....

Oh well I'll keep my fingers crossed for a little extra cash at some point along the line ....

Karen was discussing a SAL for Chatelaine's starting January ....

Karen R said...

Well, this one doesn't grab me at all - except I would love to see that peacock in person - but if you are going to take a glance over the side of the wagon, this isn't too bad a thing to catch! I'm actually surprised at how cheap it is - I think she's finally figuring out that $300-400 kits aren't going to move right now.

Now - back on the wagon with you!

Lori M. said...

How soon do you plan on starting it? If it's not going to be for awhile, why don't you try saving up for the kit. It doesn't matter so much that the gloriana's are going up, because it's not like they are going to double in price or anything. The savings you would realize are not enough to justify and impulse purchase.

If I were you, I'd just set whatever extra money that I had aside and save up for the kit. A few dollars a week and you'll be there in no time, especially since this kit is more reasonable priced than most Chatelaine's. This way, if a financial emergency came up, you would have the money available for that instead of invested in a kit that you wouldn't have started yet anyway.

Now, back on the wagon! I know it's not as much fun as getting the kit that you really want, but you'll feel better about yourself in the long run.

kay jones said...

This one didn't grab me either fortunately. I'm hooked on the Caribbean one which I just might have to indulge. Of course if I only join the class and dont start it yet that wont be too bad and not too expensive either.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yes mum :)_

Seriously you all provided compelling arguments. I will get this one, but when I have enough of a financial buffer. After all I have another 11 months in which to purchase the extremely reasonably priced kit.

Claire EJ said...

me too...

Melissa Hicks said...

See that one does not interest me at all.

Maybe because I've never been to the Caribbean?

Rosanne Derrett said...

And me. I am an official Chatelaine lemming.......

Claire EJ said...

Could well be Mel...having been there several times and to many of the islands, I can really see how she's put thought into this one and made the motifs fit the theme well.

Sisu Lull said...

Mel, tuck $1 a day in your stitching fund. Just $1, and you will be able to buy the kit on Valentines Day. That isn't so much, and it isn't so long. And that is if you are buying the full kit. If you have a fabric you like, you can buy it a bit earlier.

Melissa Hicks said...

SQUEE!!!! Bad Debbie !!! SQUUEEEEEE !!!!

Debbie Lord rang me this afternoon:

Me: Hey Sweetie, how's everything been?
Debbie: Good! In fact life is so good I've started reading BAPXS again!
Me: Good grief, I thought I felt the earth move on its Axis :)
Debbie: I saw those charts you were discussing with Mariann. I agree with you I love that Venetian one!
Me: You saw that conversation we had on the fabrics?
Debbie: Yep - that's why I've ordered us both the kits without the fabric. I'm sure both of us have better fabrics in our stash. You can floss toss when the kit arrives.
Me: What ??? I did *not* blog about this so you could buy it for me!
Debbie: Blogs? I haven't read any blogs for months! Just caught the conversation with Mariann and that's your present done, now what should I get for {bleep}
Me: Wait, no, what? (Am I erudite or not?)
Debbie: I couldn't think what to get you for Christmas. now I know so now you have it. I can afford it, I want to buy it - why shouldn't I? Its an argument I've seen you use before! So - help me out, what do I get for {bleep}.
Me; Ummm err ..... bugger. Have you checked her Amazon wish list?

Melissa Hicks said...

PS _ Debbie adores the Caribbean one too - and will be getting that for herself as well. And I bleeped the person's name because she reads this blog (unlike Debbie).

I'm not used to being on this side of the generosity table.

Sisu Lull said...

OK, you think your not erudite? I saw "What should I get for (bleep)" and for the life of could not figure out what expletive was supposed to go there. That it was a person didn't occur to me until I saw it the 2nd time.

Mariann Mäder said...

Well, you are one of those who not only follow her charts, but you also come through in stitching them, dear! I wish I was that consequent, LOL!

I like them both - both charts I'll probably get, but the kit I might get will be the Caribbean one.

Mariann Mäder said...

That's great, Mel! Absolutely fantabulous! What a wonderful gift from Debbie! It's good to hear she's back among us :-)

Paula Hubert said...

Add me to the herd rushing over the cliff for the Carribbean one... and I LOVE how the ECC kits come packaged, so I'm sure I'll be saving my pennies for the kit as well.

I might indulge myself with the extra cash that will come my way after a DMAT deployment in January.

Laura Landis said...

Mel, isn't it great when our friends know that we need a lift and are able to help us out like that? How wonderful!! Debbie has sent me some lovely things in the past when there were discussions going. What a sweetie!!

Melissa Hicks said...

She definitely is a real sweetie!

Mariann Mäder said...

Aren't they just something else? Wonderful kits and it's almost sad to open them because they're put together so lovingly and with great care!

I will indulge either for the Caribbean one or the Vienna Waltz, don't think I can make it both without being broke in January - But I could wait with the Caribbean one for a bit later, too.

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