Thursday 8 February 2007

Dragons and Storms

Well OK them - one of each ...

Last night my dragon wish *still* sulking. I had just as many hassles as the night before and got even less stitches completed - around 10 stitches all up for an entire night's stitching!!! I might try changing the needle tonight - I tried all the different skeins of floss last night and they all tangled !!!!

We also had a storm last night, not a tornado or hurricane, just a large windy, thundery storm. Emphasis on windy! Loud banging as the trees hit the sides and roof of my house ... I've since found out there were whole trees uprooted further down my street .....

How did I find this out .... at 12:30am the emergency services crews turned up. At 1am they started their chainsaws to cut up the trees that had fallen where they shouldn't. And they kept at it - loud whining chainsaw noises from 1am until 4am. And then the noises of the hydraulic winches as the pieces of trees were removed. All went quiet around 5am - when the cars started up as the first of the commuters scurried off to the train station ......

I understand that the SES do a great service, I know that some of these trees could have fallen onto people's houses .... but if I *ever* find the a##hole who constantly revved his chainsaw when it was not in use - for over three hours !!!! - I will go all Dexter on him and chop him into little pieces and put him in garbage bags and feed him to the crocodiles and alligators at the local reptile park!

Chainsaws have an idle function for a reason !!!!!

I got a couple of hours sleep and then the weather hot me - really warm and muggy - rally tropical weather. I looked out the balcony and everything seems fine in my front yard. I mean there's more debris, but hey, how can you tell? All telephone, electricity etc cables are still intact. I went out the back door. I attempted to go out the back door. Pics here and in my backyard folder ...... Once I removed the offending bit of tree - required me to put the camera away and use both hands and all of my strength - it was firmly wedged in the decking - I could scamper up the stairs and check on the car.

Salem was covered in debris but appears to be OK. I removed most of the leaves and small twigs and crap covering her and there may be a few scratches on the duco, but the rest is fine - no dents or smashed windows etc.

Coming back down the stairs I looked up on the room and saw more of the offending tree on the roof - so I grabbed the branches and hauled them off the roof. I can't see any damage, but seeing as they are roof tiles, I'll tell the owner tonight and she can have a look and decide whether or not to get someone in to look and see if any are cracked ....

So basically I have a headache from lack of sleep thanks to revhead chainsaw owner but no other hassles. I've called in sick to work and I'm heading back to bed.


Hilary Syddall said...

Oooh Mel hugs coming right back at you! it sounds as though you had an awful time, hopefully you will get a decent nights sleep tonight (and there will be nothing wrong with the roof!)

I recommend hugging Trouble and relaxing with a beer!

Claire EJ said...

Horrible storm, horrible chainsaws, horrible everything! Sleep well honey!

Melissa Hicks said...

Now Trouble was the smartest one of the lot, while we were out in the storm keeping an eye on the trees and battening down the hatches, she was nowhere to be found. I actually panicked a bit while I was searching. Where did I find her? Sound asleep in a ball under the geographic middle of my bed. Safest place in the whole house if something crashed through a window or the roof I reckon. I did recently buy a brand new queen sized bed with ironwork bed head and footer ...

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh by we I meant me and the other home owners in the street :) Nothing brings a street full of people together quite like a storm .....

Hilary Syddall said...

Sensible Trouble! and it always amazes me how cats can sleep through anything (except the opening of the kit-e-kat!)

Claire EJ said...

Good girl!!! Best place to be. Warm, safe and comfy!

Melissa Hicks said...

You forget to add in horrible stitching :) Actually the night wasn't a total lost, saw the second episode of Heroes and a new episode of Medium. That was good.

Melissa Hicks said...

And the sound of me turning on the stitching lamp - she always appears via a dimensional portal onto my lap as soon as I start stitching .....

Karen R said...

Well, I hope all is peaceful and you get some stitches in tonight. The newest cat in my house thinks the towel cupboard is his special place to sleep now, right on the bottom shelf where the boys' towels are kept. One of these days, he's going to get stuck in there the whole day while we're gone.

Paula Hubert said...

{{{Mel}}} I hope tonight is quieter (and a bit cooler!) for you! And that dragski behaves himself!

Melissa Hicks said...

Karen, yep Trubby sleeps in the linen cupboard, on the towel shelf when its empty enough for her to get in - I just caution all visitors not to shut any internal door when we leave the house, al doors to rooms and then linen cupboard are left slightly ajar - just in case .....

Melissa Hicks said...

he did behave himself yesterday and I got some decent stitching in - well enough that it was worth putting a piccie up - for a while there I thought I was going to be stuck at 20 stitches for the whole week!

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