Saturday 3 February 2007

Whine ......

Stitching Bits and Bobs is selling the whole Dye Is Cast line of threads at a discounted price - but its still too expensive - I just can't can't justify $300 Australian - not fair I want I want I want {stamps foot - pouts}

I thought if I could nab these now then I have them for when Tracy's next design comes out and any other charts I have in my stash that call for these threads .....

Oh well - thems the breaks .....


Claire EJ said...

Ooh still pricey however you look at it.....Sorry you're all pouty......

Hilary Syddall said...

Wowza I knew there was a good reason why I stuck eith DMC 99% of the time!

Paula Hubert said...

Yikes... they are still kinda pricey! {pats Mel on the back} I'd love the fill set of Six Strand Sweets.. .but can't justify it right now.. so I'm sitting in the pouty corner with you for a bit...

Melissa Hicks said...

But Hilary, at just over a dollar a skein they are at DMC prices for me !!! Its just that I can't afford the whole set right now .....

Claire EJ said...

I'm amazed with your powers of persuasion that you haven't whined at either Mum Or Dad to part with cash for a birthday present which they could hang onto until the time is right!

Melissa Hicks said...

{lol} well I did ask mum but the timings bad for bills with her too - and I just don't think Dad would understand ......

Claire EJ said...

He might if you explained it just right....

Tracy H said...

Hey Mel, I know what you mean. There is always a strong desire to get something that we know won't be available in the future. You're probably better off to start lusting after full set of Carrie's thread . I won't be putting out any more charts that call for TDIC threads - it would be too cruel. That's probably true for other designers too. I love the threads I have from her, and will enjoy using them for personal projects, but need to publish things that call for material that is still available. Also, there is always the conversions we can make to other thread companies.

Now charts going OOP are another story. Need to snatch those puppies up without hesitation. LOL.


Claire EJ said...

Absolutely.....the number of times I've wanted something only to find at a later date it's no longer available, grrr.

Melissa Hicks said...

I dunno - I can always find charts on eBay (is that a superpower? Always finding the chart you need?) but I can't find threads .... I'm still wondering if the power of positive thinking will get me enough cash to afford these threads .......

Hmm - Tracy, which reds from TDIC range are you using for your anniversary sampler? Perhaps I could just pick up those colours instead of the whole complete range .... that's affordable!

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