Sunday 11 February 2007

Which mix of the Hogwarts schools are you?

Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You?

You are a Huffledor!: You're a natural peacemaker and mediator. People come to you with their problems and you're happy to help them. Friends are very important to you and you ever needed help you know they would be there for you. Your weakness is that sometimes you trust too much on the good will of other people, you have to remember that they don't always have your best interests in mind! You are generally optimistic about life and with the sweetness of a Hufflepuff and the passion of a Gryffindor you're sure to go far!
Take this quiz!

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Hi all, yes I'm back from my weekend away with mum - will blog tomorrow - am off to bed shortly - had a tiring weekend and I didn't lift a needle at all!

Anyway just thought I would quickly take this quiz and I'm afraid its probably too close to the truth - destroys my reputations but is probably the real me - well maybe not the mediation bit but the too trusting probably is true.


Claire EJ said...

Glad you're back. Can't believe you didn't stitch at race on Fireflower?? LOL.
Sleep well....

Michele Anderson said...

Welcome Back Mel! Hope you had fun at your mom's even if you didn't stitch!


Melissa Hicks said...

Well I got a book read and mum learned how to stitch on linen and how to do the pinhead stitch - so it was still a good weekend stitching-wise ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh and I bought stash - one cute little kit at the NSLNS - I'll post a proper report later today ....

Claire EJ said...

One kit?? Is that really all??

Melissa Hicks said...

I was really really disappointed - the shop seems to have changed its focus. It used to have a whole room devoted to fantasy/medieval charts and kits - now its less than a dozen charts and I have them all .... and have had them for years!

Paula Hubert said...

Welcome home! Sorry to hear that the LNS has changed...

Karen R said...

Welcome Home! That's too bad about the LNS; I'm wondering what impact internet stores are having on not just LNS, but the chain stores like Wal Mart and Hobby Lobby (and whatever you have in Oz) - the needlework stocked in those stores is getting mighty thin, too.

And reading a book instead of stitching - not a bad trade-off. I actually read a lot this past week - got to a book I've been waiting to read for a long time, and can't put it down! Haven't had that good of a page-turner in a few months.

Melissa Hicks said...

That was my problem - I was reading Dexter book 2 - Dearly Devoted Dexter by Jeff Lindsey. Fantastically funny book. Oh extremely black humour - or gallows humour - but I loved it :)

As to your comments about cross stitch in Australia - I'll take that to a blog I think - because my reply is going to be lengthy ....


Claire EJ said...

And it is. . .?

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