Wednesday 5 March 2008

From Little Things ...

Woke up this morning very yucky.

Bad period.  Crampy, Yucky, Messy. Blah. 

Had shower. Gave up. Went back to bed.

Got up at a decent hour (nearly 9am).  Made breakfast, showered again, took drugs (Naprogesic) and decided I'd better be useful.

Went shopping for cat food and cat litter - Trubs lets me know when she's low on the first and needs changing on the second!

Today I have:
* bought Trubs specialist dry food and food for birdies (shop is out of my way normally)
* checked in at framers (Fireflower still not ready)
* claimed money back from my health insurance fund (again only open 9-5 Mon-Fri - when else can I do this?)
* bought new work shoes (something I was putting off)
* bought 5 new T-shorts (relegating the last of the SCA T-shirts to the rag bag)
* bought assorted vitamins and stuff for general good health (looking after me)
* bought food, bought cleaning products, bought Trub food and cleaning stuff.
* Changed health fund insurance companies (had been meaning to do this for six months)
* Changed mobile phone plans (ditto)

So out of a day I took off work because I was feeling too miserable and too messy to spend 2 hours on the train .... I got a lot of procrastinated projects done.

My new health insurer has all the benefits of the old, plus added benefits all for a lower fee per month.  Also I can claim money back over the phone instead of having to go into a stupid branch on my one day off a month!  And they will pay towards my remedial massage up to $400 a year.

My new phone plan kicks on 25th March and will include a few hundred free txts a month!  This is another procrastinated project.  My txting has been steadily increasing every month with my bills getting larger and larger .... this month sky-rocketed and that forced me into action.  So after 25 March I can txt as much as I like every month :)

The T-shirts are an emotional moving on for me.  They are the last constant reminder of my old life.  There was a time where the *only* T-shirts I bought were commemorative SCA event T-shirts.

I stopped attending SCA events in 2001 so my T-shirts are getting rather old and tatty.  I finally did it today.  I bought new T-shirts.  I happen to loathe clothes shopping but I've kept the rest of my wardrobe up to date except for the T-shirts.  Even late last year they were at the stage where Paul would not be seen out of the house with me until I changed out of my T-shirts :) 

Something clicked today.  Something made it easier to let go of some imaginary feelings and move on.  I dealt with issues that I had been avoiding.

A good thing.

Oh and the pics of the spiders?  My house seems surrounded by them !!!!!  I could draw a long bow of allegory and make comments of spiders and webs and weaving and being industrious ... but I can't be bothered. 

I'm off for another shower and some more naprogesics and a good lie down .....

And in the manner of all such things, at 6:00pm at night I disover that my lights fuse has blown sometime during the day.

I have no idea how to change a fuse and this one looks really blown - black soot and some areas the enamel has come off down to bare metal .... so the landlady has called an electrician who will come out tomorrow afternoon sometime.

No stitching for me tonight.  I do have power though so still the internet, and cooking facilities and a hot shower for the morning.  Oh well maybe I just need an early night :) :)


Karen R said...

Sounds like a very productive day, however unplanned it started. As for texting, I wish we had a plan that covered it - there are some available, of course, but every little thing you add or change here is $10 here, $15 there, on top of all the base fees. It adds up, when in reality, you're doing very little with anything. Banks, insurance, and now cell phone companies - rackets, pure and simple. GRRR. But you can't go without them anymore, not unless you are an independently wealthy hermit. Which I'm not.

Feel better, and hope the fuse gets sorted out without any problems! We have the spiders in the fall, too. Every kind that is poisonous that doesn't live where you are, lives where I am. I understand their purpose, but yuck, I don't actually need to witness them, do I??? YUCK!

Paula Hubert said...

You definitely got a huge amount done; I love it when you look back at a day and see a huge amount of accomplishment. (Especially on the things that I've been putting off for ages like the ones you tackled!)

I hope you're feeling a bit better, and that the fuse gets sorted out quickly. We still have fuses here, too, and I'm not sure I'd know exactly what to do either. Hopefully this summer J and his dad will get us switched over to a circuit breaker system rather than fuses.

Melia Suez said...

Wow! You got a lot done despite feeling yucky. As for those spiders, UGH!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone - sorry about the spiders - didn't realise they would gross people out :)

Paula - I thought I *was* on a breaker system - but it appears I'm on a half half system. All the new wiring for the air-conditioner and the hot water system are on breakers, but the old wiring for the lights, stove and power are all still on fuses.

Oh well - should be fixed by the time I get home tonight. Its really weird showering by yhr lioght of a lamp. Yes Its 5:00am and its pitch black outside. The sun doesn't rise until a whisker before 7am and *they* want to extend daylight savings another month !!!!!

They being the "don't get up before 8am - and love to entertain friends from 4pm until midnight so wouldn't it be good if the sunlight hours suited us ????" brigade!

Denise Laurel said...

Hope you are feeling better! Good deal on both the health insurance and phone!! denisej

Julie Nemitz said...

Sounds like you made quite a bit out of an icky day. Glad you were so industrious.

Patty Smith said...

Feel better soon... hate the monthly time can't wait till it goes south lol.

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