Sunday 22 June 2008

Saturday Night

Jane (Alison's daughter) gatecrashed tonight's festivities so it was three for home made pizza and salad, followed by Buttered Pecan ice cream - and as they were both heading home, no drinkies.

Its a good thing we didn't have drinkies, we got in enough silliness.  I shared some blog silliness about Cabana boys and Black Velvet thrones.  Jane adored my new syphilis, so I gave it to her.  Alison borrowed one of my medieval cookbooks.

Jane was heard speaking to one of her friends on her phone "No I can't go clubbing tonight, I'm over at Aunty Mel's and she's given me Syphilis.  Yes seriously !!!!  I can show you tomorrow, it all pink."

Alison looked at me and said "I raised her right Mel, she turned out alright" and then we both dissolved into giggles.

Alison later enquired if HIV was here or still at work so I went and dug it out for her.  Jane made the comments "yes we acquire STDs easily in this family".

I ended up giving HIV to Alison, as we reasoned, it is a very sharing disease after all.  I can imagine that conversation at the coffee cart on Monday morning:

"Sean, remember how you gave me HIV when I got engaged to that guy, well I passed it onto my girlfriend on Saturday night.  You don't mind do you?"

Alison was saying she needs a good friend in her life in the next few months so she has someone to pass HIV onto to continue its journey around ....

We also listened to some Santana music, chatted with Stephen over email - don't know how he took it, but there was much hilarity by all three of us on this side of the keyboard .... and he helped find a copy of Uriah Heap's Magician's Birthday - a song that Alison has been trying to obtain a copy of for the last 35 years!

Watching her dancing around my lounge room on a Saturday night brought a tear to my eye.  Either that or my brains were leaking out my orifices because she turned my stereo up so loud .....

Both ladies have gone home now and Alison and I both made the comment that our cheeks ached because we laughed so much and so hard.  With our work situations and the commuting wearing us down, it was a night we both needed.

The scary thing was that Jane had more fun here than she would have had at the party she was supposed to go to ...

So much fun and I'm wired and awake now .....


Nancy Murdock said...

I can see that conversation going on at the water cooler and I want to be there!!! You sure get a lot of joy out of those dreaded diseases!!! Too fun.It's nice to laugh so hard your cheeks hurt, always good for the soul.

Michele Anderson said...

Sounds like an awesome time!! Glad you had so much fun!

Claire EJ said...

I just told Steve what you'd said here ...he said "eh?!" can't believe I haven't shown him the plushies before now..too funny!

Kerry Dustin said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all!

Paula Hubert said...

Oh what fun! My Saturday night is going to be some stitching and cuddle time with Miss Molly... plus whatever happens to be going on in my email... :) And y'know, that all suits me just fine for today!

Karen R said...

Good stuff :) Spreading the love - and all the things that come with it!

Rachel Cox said...

Ok I'm confused, amused but decidely confused - need to back up a few blogs I think!!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

For the confused:

Melissa Hicks said...

That was my Friday night and was exactly what I needed that night too ....

Rachel Cox said...

Ahh now I see! I hany MRSA as it is the plague of my life!!! I may well buy that!

Melissa Hicks said...

MRSA otherwise known as Superbug. I bought that for my sweetheart for his birthday. He's an IT guy and it lives on top of his monitor at work. The juxtaposition of medical bug and software "bug" confuses many work colleagues .....

Hilary Syddall said...

Oooh yes they were raised right! and I suspect your friend that gave you HIV will have no objections to you passing it on!

Jodie Hill said...

I love them! I think I'll have to order a couple of these...

Lori M. said...

Glad that you and your friends had a great evening Mel! Everyone needs a good laugh once in awhile!!

Lori M. said...

LOL, the fless eating one comes with fork & knife! Oh, the things they come up with ...

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh hadn't seen that one - will have to hunt it down - thanks Lori!

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