Monday 16 June 2008

YES !!!! I am vindicated !!!!

Decided to prove a point today and leave work at 3pm (because I still *can* for the next 10 days).

Hopped on the 3:30 train home and was merrily stitching away when the train pulled up tot he next stop and a bunch of young men got on board.  Late teens early 20s - reminded me in mannerisms of the lovely bunch of dickhead's mates on Friday night that taunted me to the car. 

I scrunch down further in my chair and chide myself for negative stereotyping and then I hear the following.

Oh shit its her!  The one in black with that embroidery crap - its her from Friday night!
{murmur murmur}
Shit no! She's cold!! She'll call the ghosts!
{murmur murmur}
Nah we tried that - she weren't scared - she blew us off - I tell ya she's COLD!  Leave her alone. Go near her and the  ghosts'll never leave us alone!

Wheeeee !!!! So these *were* some the arsehole's mates that taunted me up to the car.  Only the young ones, the followers.  Well - I could be wrong, it could be some other 5'2" corporate black-wearing stitcher who lives in Gosford !!!

{snicker} {snicker}

On the way up the platform one of them was jostling an old lady, pushing her up the stairs.  She smirked at his mates and then looked over at me.  I gave him my patented librarian stare, (the one with the raised eyebrow that works on five year olds) .... He blanched and backed off !!

YES !!!!!!   Had to strut from the car down to the house and ring mum !!!  Truth always has a cultural context but baby I didn't realise I scared them as much as they scared me :) :) :)


Hilary Syddall said...

Wonderful Gothy - oooh that makes it all almost worthwhile!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Ha ha ha!! Vindication must be sweet. And remember, bullies are always very very very insecure on the inside. With a little intimidation, they usually break down completely!

Paula Hubert said...

Hehehehe - good on you, Mel!! What a pack of idiots! (Not that I'm surprised at all after the story from Friday, but still....)

Shawn Medrano said...

Great job Mel!! Looks like I need to practice my stare. :)

Mariann Mäder said...

Maybe even more :-)

Bullies fear bullies - next time all you need to do is lift your hoop in a bit of a threatening way and they'll pee in their pants :-D

Melia Suez said...

Call the ghosts? What in the world?

: )

Karen R said...

Aha!!!! Well, you know punks are only as strong as the dumbest guy in the group, and if the lead dummy was sober and/or missing, they had nothing to live up to. Good for you!!! I do think you still need to invest in some pepper spray, in case there's another alcohol-induced episode, since alcohol reduces linear cognitive thinking by 70% or better, and increases false bravado and stupid ideas by 90%. Or if you need to jump in to defend anyone else - you can become the Gosford Stitching Avenger!!!! I'd skip the cape, though - they aren't very aerodynamic, and well, they just get in the damn way. Or so I've heard :)

Melissa Hicks said...

The train Inspector's here are apparently referred to as the Grey Ghosts. I'd never heard the phrase before but apparently its quite common.

Melissa Hicks said...

Not sure if that is legal here these days - but will check ....

Julie Nemitz said...

Great Job Mel!!!! I'm so glad your episode last week had some good consequences.

Nancy Murdock said...

I am sure that takes a bit of stress off you now and is quite satisfying that they are scared of you!!

Lori M. said...

Good for you Mel! This is great news! What an interesting turn of events!

Melissa Hicks said...

As discussed with someone on the phone last night - unfortunately we doubt the young thugs would be bright enough to extrapolate from the experience.

Yes the young ones will be wary of me for a short while, but unfortunately they wont be wary of trying to scare anyone else. Nor will they take the further step and actually consider that their behavior might be wrong and perhaps {shock horror} they shouldn't be doing it at all .....

Jodie Hill said...

They might not bother you again, since you stood up to them once, they might not want a repeat... although don't be surprised if they need a remedial reminder in a couple months. Bravado in twerps like that sometimes needs to be nipped a couple times before it really sinks in. And you're right, they will probably leave you alone and move their attention on to someone else who won't stand up to them. That stupid pack mentality and pick on the weakest one... UGH!!!

Sisu Lull said...

They may pick on someone else, not much you can do about that, but you left the impression with them of not being an easy target. That is good. It might (slim hope?) make them think twice about picking on others who seem vulnerable.

Hilary Syddall said...

Hmm Grey Ghost always reminds me of The Dog in Footrot Flats!

Melissa Hicks said...

LOL - thanks Hilary I had forgotten about that :) :)

Stephen Silk said...

Pepper/capsicum spray is not legal in Australia (unless you're in the police force).

Melissa Hicks said...

Joining the Police force seems to drastic a solution to a problem that is mostly in my head ....

Karen R said...

Well, that's just stupid. Guess maybe Kay's(?) idea to carry a small can of spray deoderant or something similar would be an option....

Melissa Hicks said...

Nah - there really isn't *that* much unpleasantness and as someone said elsewhere, they are bullies. I have stood up to them, they didn't notice I was quaking in boots and now I wont have any future problems.

Its just the fear in my head I have to get over now .....

Claire EJ said...

honey, you made it through this week perfectly, you'll be just fine.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - I think so too. Still very very very tired this week - a tad too stressful for my liking ....

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