Friday 14 March 2008

*NOT* Child Friendly !!!!

I'm down with a tummy lurgy at the moment.  Came home early with it yesterday - dry crackers and boiled water for me for the next day or two still I think.

Also coming home early yesterday, I was forced to back down a driveway and when you combine my bad driving skills at reversing with an upset tummy well you can guess the consequences.

I just tapped the front corner of a parked car.  Enough to put a fist sized dent just in front of the drivers side front wheel arch.

There were other extenuating circumstances like the f'wit who was forcing me back down the driveway, but the upshot is I was at fault. I did not take "due diligence" to miss the parked car.

Oh well, all sorted out with the insurance companies and I've taken Salem in and got her assessed by the smash repairers.  I figured seeing as I've got to pay the $500 excess for being "at fault" I may as well get my car fixed too.

I also spoke to the bank and got the finances sorted out and I can afford it.  It will put back the great Personal Loan payout by a month or two but because I had been good there, I could tap into that now.

Upshot is no-one was hurt, all is sorted and I can pay the $500 without going into more debt or borrowing it from family.

Tummy was roiling again this afternoon, so I spent a quiet afternoon stitching and watching episodes of the 1985 season of Twilight Zone.

Here's what I stitched in the last few hours, from start to finished.

I'm going to give this to Stephen as his Easter present.  I know he will take it in good humour and was actually hinting that he would like one ......

Seeing as he looks at my albums, I'm not going to put this into my finished album until after I give it to him next weekend.


Natalie Mikesell said...

Ha ha! I love it :D Thanks for the laugh on a day when it is much needed! But I am sorry to hear about the accident!

Melissa Hicks said...

Yeah I was really really down on myself for being soooo stupid !!! But looking at it another way, I had lots of flaking duco and damage to another part of the bumper and now the whole thing is hopefully being replaced - and its only going to cost me $500 instead of nearly $2000 .... so there's a silver lining .....

Glad I could make you smile - how's everything going with you?

Claire EJ said...

Glad to know there is a silver lining.....
Love the motif....with his humour, he'll love it.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - he will! He adored the Ebola I gave him last time :)

Natalie Mikesell said...

Very busy! I have another doctor eval on the 7th, so I hope to have some news at that point.Things should start getting back to normal after today, so I actually hope to be able to start taking an active part in the group again :) Your blogs and messages on the group really help to keep me grounded :) Happy to hear that there is a silver lining to the accident!

Mariann Mäder said...

Great humour if it's his, Mel! And if he liked your Ebola I suppose it is, LOL!

Sorry for the tummy yuck! That's just bleeeech.

Hilary Syddall said...

Sorry to hear that you have tummy trouble and bumped the car - let us know how the gift is received!

Paula Hubert said...

Ugh - both about the tummy troubles and the accident. Glad to see that there is a bit of a positive about that! :) And I just had coffee come out my nose as I reached the end of the entry and saw the picture.... off to get some tissues! lol

Karen R said...

Brilliant! For the guy that has everything, and having an ebola ought to classify as everything! Sorry for the tummy blech and the fender bender, but hey, at least you get yours taken care of now, and you won't have to share Trub's food to do it :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Karen - you would love him !!! He has a very similar sense of humour to the both of us! I suspect if I ever show him the Subversive Cross Stitch site in full, I would soon have a copy of the book in my hands with particular charts highlighted with a message saying yes please ?

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh good! I was hoping some of you would also see the humour in the piece :) :)

Hmm - now to think of a saying to stitch up for you and Karen to take to work ..... a variation on the "thank god you have a big dick" chart perhaps ???? Or just a "I can't stand your bullshit"?

Pics of the charts here:

Hilary Syddall said...

Hmm - good way of getting an interesting birthday or Christmas gift! and you would have an on going list of smallish stitching projects as well!

Paula Hubert said...

Considering the comments my boss and I always make about the "ruler contests" that happen around here.....

Melissa Hicks said...

OK! One Thank god you've got a big dick for Paula then :) :)

Karen R said...

How about a picture of a scale/ruler that is headed BullS#&* Tolerance Level, showing my tolerance way down near the bottom, and a "You Are Here" mark way near the top??? Give me a minute, I can come up with more....

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh GOD yes !!! You graph it and I'll stitch it ;)

kay jones said...

Super piece. I can think of loads of people I could give that one to, alternating with one that says piss off. Love Karen's idea. Cant wait to see that one.

Mariann Mäder said...

Would you take the design from me? I've run off and graphed it :-)

Mariann Mäder said...

Oh, and here's how it looks:

I'll gladly print and send the chart to anyone who asks :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh Brilliant !!!!!! I love it :) :)

Can I have a Mel's version please ?

However, one small possible correction - I think Karen's original idea was her tolerance would be at around 5 and the "you are here" would be up the top end of the ruler ....

i.e. showing that you have far surpassed her tolerance levels .....

Mariann Mäder said...

Yes, I was thinking of personalising it, just took Karen's name because it was her idea :-)

I thought I had a VERY low level of tolerance... My thoughts were going high means I have a high level. Hm... I get your point. CAN be changed easily... Thanks for the input! Colours are of course subject to whatever you would like to use. I just thought it extra annoying to choose the ones I did because I *hate* them, LOL!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Oh, fabulous, Mariann! :) hehehe After a couple of the conference calls I was on yesterday - that would be SOOO perfect (as is the "thank god you have a big dick" one... some people are such stupid twits!)

Nancy Murdock said...

Love how you all take an idea and run with it!! LOL, this is quite the thread going here.

Hilary Syddall said...

This will be great and one I could see myself stitching as well!

Karen R said...

And two days later, I finally get in here to see Mariann's chart - looks great, though as Mel said, my tolerance is the low end, and everyone exceeds it on the high end :) I'd suggest red & black, and possibly yellow - yellow = caution :)

Melissa Hicks said...

oh perfect !!!! I love it :)

Mariann Mäder said...

Well, I've already changed the "You are here" to the upper end. Obviously I still should enter the original tolerance level.

Your colour suggestions are good - just not very fitting with the pinks, LOL! But of course everyone is free to change any colour to their likings! It's just a suggestion :-)

Would you like one, too, Karen?

And who else, so I can personalise it?

My belated Easter gift to dear friends, LOL!

Karen R said...

Absolutely :)

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