Sunday 21 January 2007

Happy Mel

Six bottles of beer in the fridge
Six bottles of beer
Have a stinking hot day
With no air-con at work
Four bottles of beer in the fridge........


Donna Williams said...

Wish I could send you the 7-10 inches of snow we're in the process of getting right now! It was a wild ride to work and now it's deathly quiet.

Claire EJ said...

We're due for snow....the house is flipping freezing and the heating has been on since 5am. six and a half hours later, it's still cold.....

Melissa Hicks said...

Its after 10:30pm and we're still over 30 degrees C. Too Hot. Just had a cold shower sluice off a sweat before heading to bed!

Hilary Syddall said...

eeep! poor GothTigger - not what a tiger needs at this point, sending you cooling vibes (and virtual cold beer!)

Melissa Hicks said...

Well I did have the two cold beers with my evening meal - but no more ..... drinking water now .... just wish it would cool down and I'm loathe to go to bed with the air con on - but the house heats up sooo much as soon as its turned off. It really was a disgustingly hot day to day - over 100F for about 10 hours ....

Hilary Syddall said...

ouch!!! that is not good - I hope it calms down and gets a little cooler for you soon!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Cute :) But that is really a/c at your work today! In your heat? Ugh!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thankfully I'm at my own branch today - had a disgusting night last night - it finally cooled down around 3:00am but there was not a breath of wind so the inside of the house remained warm and is still warm even now - I seriously thought about a dragging a mattress out onto the balcony last night :)

Anyway I'm back at my own branch today and I know that the air-conditioners work there - and the forecast is lowers temps too - just a 2-day heatwave for us this time. Erg hoping to sleep on the job today - have an 8am start for the conversion of data .... in some respects I hope it doesn't work - because that would mean a quieter day and I could catch up on my sleep - I really feel like ratshit this morning.

Claire EJ said...

Poor old's been a weird start to the year for all of us but yours, hmmmm, can we start January over again.....
I would have taken the mattress outside. Might have confused Miss Trubbs though LOL

Hilary Syddall said...

I like the sound of starting the year over - provided that doesn't mean I get the flu again! I would like another months worth of stitching LOL

Laura Landis said...

Has the rain hit your area at all, Mel? I saw that the Australian Open has had some complications due to the rain.

Melissa Hicks said...

Would have confused the neighbours too - especially as it was tooo hot to wear PJs !!!!! {sigh} Its been a long month and its not over yet!

Melissa Hicks said...

Nope - the Open is being played in Melbourne - the southern end of Australia - its weird alright - Victoria and South Australia have severe flooding, yet NSW, where I am is bone-dry with huge bushfire's. There's one raging now that has had us cut off from Sydney for the last two days. I got up to go to work this morning and all my neighbours were still in bed - no commuting. The roads and rail lines are all cut due to the fires ..... Salem was covered in ash this morning too...

Claire EJ said...

I am finally getting to watch some of the tennis, too bad it has to be 4am in the morning though.....
I really wish we could have a do-over on January. Hilary and I wouldn't have had the flu, Mel would have less heat and not scare the neighbours with nekkid thoughts.....

Melissa Hicks said...

If nekkid *thoughts* scared the neighbours they would ban JD Robb books! ..... god I'm tired! Well work worked yesterday. The new system is up and working mostly. Well core functions, loans, returns and searching the catalogue are working. Some specialised areas still need to be fine-tuned, like my housebound and acquisitions and cataloguing wont start again until July {sigh}

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