Monday 1 January 2007

My weight

OK obviously (because I'm still ranting about the clothes days after it happened) my weight is seriously bothering me again ...

{As an aside - do you know how hard it is to type when *someone* is swishing their tail across the keyboard constantly - hang on - she's demanding cuddles }

OK where was I - oh yes - I just weighed myself before my shower and I'm 91 kilos (200 lbs) - on a 5 ft 2 in frame. Definitely obese - not as bad as I have been - but not as good either (best was 2 years ago when I got down to 79 kilos)

Anyway - when you see my Sunday updates from now on - there will tucked away a little weight measurement - and I certainly hope that it will be going down as the year progresses. Its just like stitching - every little bit counts, even if it takes all year. All progress is good progress.

Sorry if this bores the pants off of you - you can ignore this post - it just helps me to put it "in writing" so to speak :)

OK off to tidy up, put some dinner/tea/night time meal in the Crockpot have some brunch and start stitching. Will be back online in a few hours ....


Claire EJ said...

Ok, will this help....
You can track your progress using these little things. I used to have one for something or other and they cna be customised for all sorts of things.
I'm around 5ft 3in and I know I weigh more then you do. Fine, so I can blame my poxy hormones, but the long and short of it is, I'm fat, very fat and sick of it.
SAL and WAL??

Melissa Hicks said...

Gosh sweetheart - you do not look it in any of your photos !!!!!!! You look beautiful!

Sure - you want to do a WAL as well as a SAL - I'll be in it - might keep me motivated this year :) Anyone else?

Claire EJ said...

Are you nuts? nope, strike that. How many times in 2006 did I call you insane? note to self: remember Mel's insanity LOL
I'm carrying so much weight and I'm starting to feel it on my chest when I lie down in has to move elsewhere and shrink........
A WAL sounds good to me. I might even use a Ticker myself.

1 minute to go, HNY!!!!

Melissa Hicks said...


Maybe soon Multiply will understand that I've already reached 2007 !!!!!

Claire EJ said...

Yeah, in approx just under eight hours... LOL.have you changed your time zone to read an Australian one?? cos mine knows it's in the am now.....

Melissa Hicks said...

Umm where's the setting for that one ?

Melissa Hicks said...

Mine knows its am - but it thinks I'm on 1 Jan 2006 !!!!

Donna Williams said...

I'm with ya on the needing to do something about it train, Mel. The success I've had just cutting out the fountain drinks has me a bit motivated, but I know I'll have to do more to keep up the momentum. I'm not bold enough for a public count down, but I'll work at it with you!

Donna Williams said...

Oh, and yes, I do have basically the same problem with feline interference! Mine keeps trying to walk down my shoulder onto the laptop so she can do her mule imitation on my wrists...

Melissa Hicks said...

Mule imitation ?????

Melissa Hicks said...

hey any encouragement is good encouragement right? As long as its given positively :)

I don't drink fizzy drinks so that doesn't help me. Unfortunately I have gotten into the habit os not looking after myself - forgetting lunch and then devouring hot chips or a chocolate bar mid-afternoon!

And I simply need to get off my duff and do some exercise :) I've turned into a couch slug :) So as of tomorrow (when its back open) I'm off back to the gym. If I do my workouts three times a week I can be a couch slug the rest of the time as long as I look after my diet and eat regularly and nutritional meals. I'm not going overboard or joining The Biggest Loser - I;m just gonna take care of myself a little more ....

So waddya reckon - do the same thing? As best you can with your hip?

And yes I have to do some sort of public announcement to keep me going. I'm just built that way I guess - I crave public adoration and acknowledgement - so once I publicly say I'm going to do something my pride finds it hard to back down. And I didn't set that big a goal - only 44 pounds - I got to within 20 pounds of my goal last time and that was from a starting point of 248 pounds. So I dropped 66 pounds last time - surely I can drop 44 pounds this time.

Claire EJ said...

Huh??? Chen thinks she's a mule?? spill...............

Hilary Syddall said...

Count me in on the weigh in! Mark and I just gritted our teeth and got on the scales - he weighs in at 14-9.5 (205.5 pounds or 93.2 kilos) and I weighed in at 21-2 (296 pounds or 134.3 kilos) this is WAAAAY too much for a 5ft 7inch medium frame! 20 I need to lose about 150 pounds/68 kilos - time for the Dragon to become svelte!

Natalie Mikesell said...

I'm in with you guys too :) I lost 15 lbs last fall and want to continue this into this new year. I am going to try to walk every day and will keep track of my weight loss too! Won't we be a healthy group :) Trimming down the WIP's and the weight!!

Donna Williams said...

She's gotten to where she'll walk onto my lap, or arms, chest, whatever body part she can manage, and then just stands there. Doesn't curl up, doesn't sit, just stands. I've gotten to where I call that her Mule Imitation, because she's being stubborn as a mule about not moving. She cheats on staring matches and just stands there... makes me nuts. She's always been a very affectionate cat, and very much my cat, so I tolerate it as much as I can, but having her perch between me and whatever I'm doing (reading, laptopping, even trying to stitch) and giving me a mouth full of fur gets annoying. Usually the only way to get her to move is to put whatever I'm doing down, flip her over on her back and cuddle her like a baby. Or.. (eewww alert) plant a wet sloppy kiss on her nose. Usually sends her running for the back of the couch and off me for a few minutes at least. Yeah, I may whine about her being a pest, but I'll be lost when she's gone.

Melissa Hicks said...

{giggle} {snicker} Trubby tried that a couple of times, but I just unceremoniously dumped her on the floor - so now she does cute things like sitting beside me or above me and swishing her tail over the keyboard or on top of the book I'm reading or across my face !!!

When she really really wants attention she head butts the book or stitching out of my hands and purrs at me until I put everything down and give her cuddle time :) Sometimes just curling up in my lap under my stitching or book is not enough for her :)

Mind you - you gotta give Chen kudos for stubbornness !!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh Nate - what a fantastic motto !!!

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) I think I will be more likely to lose the body fat than the WIPs :) I mean I certainly aim to get at least two ELTWIPs completed this year - but the total number of WIPs reduced ???? I don't think so !!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Ok, I'm on board with the "have to do something this year" :). The weather is really making it entirely possible to be outside and walking, so I'm going to try to make an effort to do that. - I love the "Trimming down the WIP's and the Weight" line!

Claire EJ said...

Just call me a smartass or whatever guys.
The gorgeous new jeans I bought last May but couldn't fit into until October are now waaaaay too big! The waistband, I can pull it three inches out from my body and it's looser than I would ever have thought possible. I need a size smaller right now and soon, hopefully, smaller than the one I need now.

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm sure your arse is currently looking very smart !!!!

Well done! Its like stitching, all progress is good progress and deserves encouragement and accolades :)

"Trimming down the WIP's and the Weight before 2008"

Claire EJ said...

My Arse is currently looking as fat as it always does. Damned thing.
But, my waist and hips seem to be smaller around it...weird eh!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

At least you're not doing my trick - my bust measurement always seems to be the first to deflate and then everything else slowly reduces to match ......

Paula Hubert said...

Heh, you and me both, Mel.. bust and shoe size are the first to go down!

Claire EJ said...

When you're only an *A* cup, what's the difference??

Melissa Hicks said...

OK so you've beaten me and Paula there already :)

I'm still a D or DD depending on make and model. Well I was - probably down to a C by the end of the month.

So Claire I assume you re what they call a pear shape? I'm just a classic apple - big all over !

Claire EJ said...

I have midget boobies, huge hips and a chunky waist with a big fat arse inbetween!
If you look at the pictures in my family and friends album, you'll see what sort of shape I was before my homones and pituitary etc got screwed.
Talk about so skinny that my neck looked almost anorexic. Then I got to 19 and things started to change. Who knew that even back then things were going seriously wrong inside, sigh.
Yeah, I'm now a pear...

Paula Hubert said...

Heh, I think I'm more square (or just plain round!) these days. I've never been anywhere NEAR as thin as Claire was, but I look at pictures from high school and college when I was playing soccer and softball... and wonder where the heck that person went!

On an entirely different note - I love the pic you've got as a background, Mel!

Melissa Hicks said...

AAARRGGGHHH!!!!! I'm going to KILL Multiply !!!!!! Why does it keep "losing" my messages instead of posting them - aaarrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!

Had a long reply here - but of course Multiply decided it didn't like it and swallowed it - grrrrrrrr! What does this thing time out or something?:? sheesh leave it open while you go make a cup of team ..... {sigh}

In a nutshell I see how Claire would be frustrated with going from too skinny to too fat without stopping at something nice in between ....

Personally I hit puberty and puppy fat and just kept right on going ..... at age 12 I was a size 12, at 14 a 14 and so on until I hit age 24 and size 24 and plateaued from there until a couple of years ago where I went down to a size 16 (with some brands a 14). Unfortunately to 12 kilos I've put back on had pushed me up into the 18 (sometimes 16) category. Oh and shirts have always been 22 because I have huge granny wingspans on my upper arms - now how's that for being brutally honest :)

Hmm - better go and put this into perspective for you overseas types - ok it appears UK is one size smaller then Australian, and US is two sizes smaller.

So a size 16 Australian, is a 14 UK and a 12 US.

Melissa Hicks said...

AAARRGGGHHH!!!!! I'm going to KILL Multiply !!!!!! Why does it keep "losing" my messages instead of posting them - aaarrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!

Had a long reply here - but of course Multiply decided it didn't like it and swallowed it - grrrrrrrr! What does this thing time out or something?:? sheesh leave it open while you go make a cup of team ..... {sigh}

In a nutshell I see how Claire would be frustrated with going from too skinny to too fat without stopping at something nice in between ....

Personally I hit puberty and puppy fat and just kept right on going ..... at age 12 I was a size 12, at 14 a 14 and so on until I hit age 24 and size 24 and plateaued from there until a couple of years ago where I went down to a size 16 (with some brands a 14). Unfortunately to 12 kilos I've put back on had pushed me up into the 18 (sometimes 16) category. Oh and shirts have always been 22 because I have huge granny wingspans on my upper arms - now how's that for being brutally honest :)

Hmm - better go and put this into perspective for you overseas types - ok it appears UK is one size smaller then Australian, and US is two sizes smaller.

So a size 16 Australian, is a 14 UK and a 12 US.

Heh heh heh - attempt three - this time I had a copy of it on my Notepad :) :) I;ll beat you yet Multiply demons !!!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Yeah a couple of people commented on that one - right while I was in the middle of changing it :) that was from the customizedthemes site if you want it for yourself :)

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