Wednesday 17 January 2007

Health ...

Since I got home from work last night I've had a severe headache. This morning added in a fever and upset tummy. So I spent most of today in the quiet dullness of my bed and lounge until I realised that this wasn't going to get any better on its own. Mum convinced me to get up and get to a doctor.

It turns out I have a migraine. I also have a few muscles out in my neck which have sent referred pain up into my head. So two different sets of headache which were also causing the other issues. The doc gave me some strong painkillers and muscle relaxants which are helping (after all I can and type up this blog). However the pain meds are sending me waves of dizziness and nausea. So I'm off back to the lounge for the rest of the evening.

Sorry if I haven't responded to anything you've been expecting today guys !!!

Has anything been posted on the BAPXS list about Colleen's Tara?


Mariann Mäder said...

Aww Mel! I know how you feel, I have those two types of headaches on a fairly regular basis, luckily without the nausea and with only very weak fever... But the head hurts! Sometimes I can't even think without hurting.

Get better soon!

Natalie Mikesell said...

{{{{{Mel}}}}} Hope you feel better soon!

Claire EJ said...


Colleen hasn't said anything on BAPXS....

Hilary Syddall said...

Huge cyber hugs Mel - I hope you are feeling better soon!

Paula Hubert said...

Huge hugs Mel! I'm glad you called the doc and got something to help.. none of those things are fun at all!

Karen R said...

{{{{Mel}}}} Hope you get rid of the aches soon! I used to have migraines frequently, but after I had kid #2, I seemed to have outgrown them. My whole family gets them; my oldest sister gets them so bad, she loses her vision - it closes in just like a movie fading to black! Mine were never that bad - just let me throw up, and then sleep in a black, silent room for 8-10 hours, all better! Now I just get barometer headaches when it rains, and my neck always hurts - Excedrin and a chiropractor to the rescue!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all! I'm up and out of bed today. The headache is now but a dull ache, but I'm woozy and weak. A quiet day I think. The doc said I might be like this today and he told me not to go to work because the migraine can quickly be set off again. So quiet day today and then back to work tomorrow ..... might even get some stitching in - in between the nausea dizziness, naps and emails :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks all! I'm up and out of bed today. The headache is now but a dull ache, but I'm woozy and weak. A quiet day I think. The doc said I might be like this today and he told me not to go to work because the migraine can quickly be set off again. So quiet day today and then back to work tomorrow ..... might even get some stitching in - in between the nausea dizziness, naps and emails :)

Claire EJ said...

Take it easy honey, just be a good little gothy and relax....

Melissa Hicks said...

good ??? Relax ??? I'm going to have to go find my dictionary again ...

Claire EJ said...

yeah I know.....good would mean doing the right thing and relax, maybe read for a while, a book, a magazine, something light hearted, maybe some Pratchett in preparation for getting the Hogfather dvd's.

Melissa Hicks said...

I just finished :Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde. I should have read these before the Nursery Crime series - there's sooo many in jokes between the two !!!!!!

Can't want for the next one - it will be waiting at Niagara for me tomorrow.

Ooops been on the computer tooo long - headache coming back - see you all later !!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Hopefully you got out of here before the headache ballooned again. (Didja find that dictionary??? {VBG})

Gina Martin said...

I hope you feel much better now Mel. :(

Tracy H said...

That's no good. Hope you are in better shape today! Hugs..

Melissa Hicks said...

Hated going in to work today - still had the tension headache threatening to explode back into a full blown migraine - but lunch with a friend (who timed her visit exactly so she could have lunch with me!!!) really did the trick. High carbs with a shot of caffeine and some good company was all it took the shake the rest of the migraine off. Was pretty much back to being myself for the rest of the afternoon :)

Melissa Hicks said...

BTW - thanks for all the hugs and support ladies! You make me feel wanted and cared for !!!!

Hilary Syddall said...

I'm glad you had a good lunch - and hey! what are friends for but support :-)

Claire EJ said...

Hmmm, have you not been eating properly this week? Carbs and caffeine, hmmm.....Glad said friend turned up at just the right time!

Paula Hubert said...

Glad you're back up to snuff and that you had a friend stop by with exactly the right fix! And support is exactly what friends do...

Melissa Hicks said...

No Claire - I had not been eating much this week - the migraine made it too difficult to even think of cooking. And there's no way I could get junk food or preprepared - I couldn't drive ...... so yes a good solid meal - even if it was chicken and chips was probably rather helpful.

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