Tuesday 23 January 2007

Pressie from Claire

Hey Donna - pics are in the 2007 RAKs and Presents album.

Wow what a gorgeous present - full of lovely little gifts !!!! Opening the box and lifting each item out separately was sooo much fun!!!!

The box contained:

a glass snowflake ornament for Hector
an amethyst and silver ring (WOW)
a seaside treasures thread (for cross stitch addiction chart)
a length of red ribbon with red pom poms - so cute!
a lovely handmade and hand stencilled card!
two tiny little fabric and sequined covered blank books
a large square of silk (handkerchief?)
two Dr Who BC Radio audio books
four separate lengths of bookmark fabric !!!!!
a lovely mother-of-pearl looking handled pen
a beautiful dinky-dyes embroidery scissors
lovely cross-stitch of friendship.

Oh wow !!!!!!!! The cross stitch is fabulous! I'm certainly going to frame that and hang it up where I can see it always!

The hand stencilled card is beautiful! There is soo much work that went into it - that will be kept for all time.

The ring was totally unexpected! and it just fits on my ring finger too !!!! Might wear it to work and scare my work mates - "yes this is from my ... ummm ... friend Claire - from England ...." Ooooh evil Mel !!!

The little books are sooo cute too! and I'm certainly going to have to use the bookmark material to send a pressie in return !!!!!

And England just lost to NZ in the cricket (literally 10 seconds ago) so I'm to stitch on Cirque and try out my new scissors while watching Hogfather !!!!!!!! 

Oh wow - what a gorgeous set of presents !!!!!  I'm in heaven !!!!!


Melissa Hicks said...

Ok in reality - the scissors and Cirque are sitting beside me - I'm watching Hogfather and eating more of Mariann's chocolate !!! The Villars literally melts in your mouth .... oooooh this is better than .... hmmm well - lets just say I'm orgasmic right now !!!!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Sounds like a great day Mel :)

Claire EJ said...

The white silk is for when you get yourself a set of runestones.....

I have the second cd of the second Dr Who set here...

Karen R said...

Great stuff! The outside of the box was so pretty - who knew what would be inside??

Melissa Hicks said...

I had no idea !!! Claire said she sent me a box of discs !!!!! She said nothing about the rest!

I knew she was struggling with a bit of cross stitch that I was told not to ask about, but I thought she put that away until later.

I have vague memories asking about a rubber stamping project but didn't get a reply and didn't make the connection !!!!

Oh the seaside treasures thread I actually asked for as its required by a chart I have (Frishawn's Cross Stitch Addiction) but she was having hassles contacting Kristina so I didn't expect that either !!!

I expected what Claire told me - a box of discs !!!

So just about everything in the box was a pure surprise !!!!

It really was a wonderful experience lifting each piece out one by one and going oooh and ahhh and Oh My God !!!!!

Claire EJ said...

I knew she was struggling with a bit of cross stitch that I was told not to ask about, but I thought she put that away until later.>>>>

I did......it's still here.

Melissa Hicks said...

You were doing two pieces ????? Now I'm truly stunned !!!!

Claire EJ said...

Don't be,.....because I couldn't get the other one done, I wanted you to have a little something for a very late xmas gift so pulled out a piece I like muchly and sent it.

Donna Williams said...

Isn't it fun opening a box from Claire? You never quite know what's going to be in there!

Mariann Mäder said...

That's a wonderful shower, Mel! It's great it made your day or a few days :-) That sounds great, Claire - you knew how she'd sit there, lifting bit for bit out of the box and loving it all... nice image, eh?

Hilary Syddall said...

OOOOOH no wonder you were doing Snoopy Happy Dances! these are all great (lucky, lucky GothTigger!)

Paula Hubert said...

What fun! Great box of stuffs there.. enjoy it all!

Claire EJ said...

LOL....Mariann, it almost sounds as if you know how I layered it all......it's a very late Christmas gift with some extras for fun.....

Mel...be sure to keep the box....they're great for small stuffs....I keep all my postcards (pre-1920) in one the same size.

Michele Anderson said...

What a wonderful surprise! Such fun when it is totally unexpected! Happy Snoopy Dancing!


Claire EJ said...

Hey....how's it going with *Hogfather*??

Melissa Hicks said...

Of course I've kept the box - it still has most of the presents in it :) :) :)

Hogfather is unbelievable! Such a well done production! I love the Grim Squeaker !!!!!!!!!!! Still not sure about the face for Death - but the rest is soooo spot on. Having a ball. Unfortunately with working until 6pm Tuesday night and then doing an overtime shift to 8pm last night I've only got to the end of part one. Just too tired to keep my eyes open let alone stitch!

Have an 8am start this morning followed by coffee (and whatever) after work with Alison and then tomorrow off. Alison has been doing *all* of the technical bizzo of changing our software over and is one tired and stressed puppy. So we'll be doing coffee and possibly out drinking or out to dinner or such afterwards depending on how she's feeling and what she needs. I'm one of her few friends in the organisation she can speak freely with and know its not going to come back and bite her at work the next day - and I'm the *only one* who lives locally and can go for a girls night out at a drop of a hat.

After we both get in at 8am this morning and check on the settings for my housebound customers who's first delivery leaves the building at 9am!

So very tired - but I'm earning extra money which will be good in a fortnight. Its 6:30am and I really need a pillow - anyone got a spare ..... zzzzzzzzz

Claire EJ said...

I really want a grim squeaker. I know we had this discussion a few weeks ago.....The first part was superb...let me know how you go with the second...
What a hefty day.....the money will be good, but wow, hard work.
Hope your night out is fun,,,,don't bitch too much LOL

Melissa Hicks said...

Didn't end up having too much of a night out - I was sooo tired - and Alison was worse !!!! We met for coffee and talked about work - Alison needed to unload about all the technical issues she's facing and I'm the only one she can discuss this with without having to explain every step of the process :) Then I gave her feedback from a branch perspective - communiques direct from the front line, if you will. So that was good for both of us. When I go to work on on Saturday I'm armed with info that can deal with the nay-say gossipers and Alison is now armed with what issues are bothering the front line troops the most, so she can work on them (even if they aren't what management considers the highest priority).

'Then we walked her dog and caught up on each others personal lives - then we went out separate ways home. She was planning a long bath and bed. I had dinner, watched the rest of Hogfather and the making of and then hit the pillow too. Couple of wild women we are !!!!!

Today is Australia Day so we all get today off work - thankfully !

Laura Landis said...

Mel, it sounds like a wonderful box!! It's always so fun to get a giftie from a girlfriend in the mail. Women just know what to send women!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup! Now if only I could find a "friend with benefits" that thoughtful and kind ......

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