Monday 15 January 2007

Oooooh Pressies - CHOCOLATE !!!!!!

Oooh what a lovely way to start a week!!! After yet another dreary start to another expected dreary week at my dreary job, I went past the post office this morning and found a box from Mariann !!!!

I checked the customs form (ain't I a stinker) and it said chocolate .... so I popped it into the fridge at work instead of leaving int in a hot car all day.

At lunch I couldn't resist so I opened the present - not only did it contain chocolate - it contained a *lot* of chocolate - five different types !!!! I'm in chocolate heaven !!!!!

After I opened and sampled the Lindt Hazelnut (test one: dreary work lunch conditions - passed!) I managed to see past to read the gorgeous card, smile at the charts and ohh and ahhh at the linen !!!!

The charts are of Swiss cows because as the card says "they are essential to give us the wonderful milk that goes into the chocolate!"

The card is a beautiful snow-laden Winter landscape. I'm going to leave this out on display so I can look at it in hot weather and dream.

Finally the linen - packing material to fill up the box apparently !!!!! yeah right !!!! I only it up and had a good look at it when I got home tonight - its a gorgeous light blue mottled to white 28 ct Cashel linen limited edition from Heaven Lee Creations. If I ever need to do yet another restart on TW's the Castle, I already have the perfect material now !!!!!!

What a gorgeous present!!! THANK YOU MARIANN !!!!!!!

I'm leaving the Villars chocolate to last ..... diet - what diet - what are you talking about - I don't know that word .... must be a foreign language .....


Natalie Mikesell said...

Beautiful fabric! What a lovely surprise :)

Mariann Mäder said...

I'm so happy you got everything in good condition! And *REALLY* glad you checked the customs form and didn't leave it in the car! It would be really ruined, LOL!

I thought you'd like the winter scene since you're there sitting in the heat :-)

Hope you like the chocolate - some of my favourites are among the chosen specimens!

Hilary Syddall said...

ooooh after the week you had last week you DESERVE decent choc!

Paula Hubert said...

A great present! Congrats! (And definitely a good thing you checked the customs form... what a shame to have left all of those lovely goodies in the heat!)

Karen R said...

WooHoo!! Great stuff! And don't even joke about starting The Castle again - you will finish it this time! (unless you get chocolate all over it, though that might be excused)

Melissa Hicks said...

Well the Camille Bloch Mousse Noisette is pretty much demolished! Truly scrummy (and its *that* week this week!) Having another piece now just to be certain - oh yeah definitely droolworthy !!! Ooooh baby that tastes good!

(Test pre-breakfast on the day the "monthlies" are due - passed !)

Claire EJ said...

That sounds delish! Noisette though, ick, nuts in chocolate, it's just not right LOL.
I can tell I'll be on chocolate tomorrow, managed to resist so far but the pain is getting to me as is the headache, grrrr....Men deserve to go through this too!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh no I don't stitch and eat! Too worried about food and drink stains - even Paul has been trained to keep tea cups over the other side of the room and then nags me to go to the cup before it gets too cold.

As for starting the Castle again ..... the WIP packet is out where I can see it at all times! And yes I do glance semi-regularly to make sure the fabric is still in there!

Paul is joking that I've set up a security field around the WIP packet - bunkers, razor wire, US special forces black ops electronic perimeter disturbance devices. He reckons when I take it to the framers I'm going to stand over him the whole time and watch every second of the framing and then immediately take it home and borrow the security from Fort Knox and install it just around that one piece of the wall - so this piece wont get stolen !!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

This one was more of a melt in your mouth hazelnut paste .... oooh I'll just sample one more bit ...... chocolate pre-breakfast? Yep its *that* week! Oh crud - my mum can read this now !!! Why did I introduce her to Multiply :) :)

Melissa Hicks said...

If men went through this - there would be three days a month paid time off from work - free chocolate for three days, supplies would be handed out free at all chemists, better pain management medication etc etc ..... grrrr !

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