Friday 12 January 2007

Meh !!!

I awoke to a very foggy day today and my brain seems to have stayed that way!

Took the car back to the repairers and reported that yes they fixed a few things I hadn't been aware of, but they still didn't fix the problem I brought it to them for. They looked and looked and I argued and argued and finally they found it. It was the ball bearings in the wheel going - just like I'd been trying to tell them. It just that it was the ball bearings in the front wheels - not the back - my mistake. Anyway they have the car now, and will call me when they have the parts and have it fixed. Its costing $250 in parts plus labor. Can we say I'm hemorrhaging money right now??? And no overtime for the next two months !!!!!

No stash being bought - not even that scrummy M sampler by Gigi.

I'm slowly losing my TV reception for the free to air TV. The cricket is atrocious - I see a few seconds, it goes fuzzy for a few seconds then I lose it completely for five seconds or so and then the cycle repeats. The antenna guy came out this morning and informed me the antenna is fine. All equipment is fine, its just that the analog strength has decreased in the past six months and will continue to do so as the govt wants people to move to digital TV. The good news is that my antenna *is* digital compliant, so I simply need to purchase a set-top box and connect it up. $250-$350 plus installation. Later! I'll just keep watching DVDs for now.

Has somebody put a technology curse on me ????

Still waiting for the plumber to ring and tell me when he's coming to fix the toilet.

Got a little bit done on Dutch Beauty - started Tracy's spinning monkey.


Natalie Mikesell said...

How frustrating! But that fog looked pretty...although I am sure it did not seem that way when you live with it.

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh the fog burned off quite quickly and we had a very hot day !!! I took the photo because its rare to see fog here in summer !!!!!

The car was $350 and the new toilet was free (thank goodness I only rent) and I've just spent 30 mins undoing the damage the antenna guy did to my set up.

Dropped past work after I collected the car and begged the weekend supervisors to call me if anyone calls in sick tomorrow or Sunday. I don't mind working the weekends and I can do with the money right now !!!! Going to veg out in front of the TV and under the airconditioner for the rest of the night !

Hilary Syddall said...

Is the (potential) overtime to pay for the car or the digibox or both?!

I hope things improve for you soon - and happy stitching :-)

Paula Hubert said...

Wow, Mel - technology and you are having a battle! Here's to hoping that someone does call out sick this weekend!

Melissa Hicks said...

Hilary, my standard pay packet covers my basic lifestyle (rent, phone bills, electricity, internet connection, personal loan etc) and leaves me $40 for food, petrol and everything else.

My car costs $50 to fill up. Without overtime, I cannot afford for anything to go wrong. Most of my bills hit at the end of the month, so I sock money away all month and just get them covered. I paid for the car out of that money - so I need the overtime to first cover the monthly bills that I just took the money from, then pay off my meagre little credit card, then start socking money back off my personal loan, then put money back into my savings account and *then* think about having a life again.

For varying reasons I stripped my savings account at Xmas so I don't have the back up cushion there that I'm used to :)

So yeah my finances are worrying me a bit, but something will happen - something (or someone) always does. If worst comes to worst, mum will give me a hand :)

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