Thursday 3 April 2008

Cuttlefish !!!!

OK this:

is from one of my favourite web comics.

And this:

was pointed out to me by Stephen today .....


Claire EJ said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck...knitted Cuttlefish..[shudders].

I do adore Two Lumps...they crack me up.

Karen R said...

Can you eat cuttlefish??? Hmmm, I've used their bones to carve molds for pouring pewter. But then again, cats will eat alot of strange stuff :) The prawn and jellyfish were cute, but the cuttlefish and squids are kinda creepy.

Mariann Mäder said...

LOOOOOVE them!!!

Karen, in the form of Calamari you eat them alright! I love them :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

I adore Calamari - cooked properly .... mmmm tempting for dinner....

Claire EJ said...

Ooh yum,,Calamari! Fab....

Karen R said...

I'll stick with my land animals, thank you. Though a shrimp every so often, in good cocktail sauce, is okay, but that's about the only seafood I can eat.

Melissa Hicks said...

Can eat as in it will make you sick or will eat as in it tastes yucky?

Karen R said...

Tastes yucky. That, and probably a scar from my mother; I distinctly remember one meal of fish when she was just going off the deep end about not swallowing the bones in the fish. Ummm, if it's dangerous to eat, perhaps I should be given more kid-friendly food?

Mariann Mäder said...

I don't think it is dangerous if the age and the training is right! My dad used to get fresh trout from a fishing friend of his. Lots of them. Mum cooked them "meunière" (=fried in butter and herbs, yummmmm!) and then at the table dad would sort them out for us small kids. I can distinctly remember my younger brother and I on both sides of my dad, waiting with baited breath to get our share (AND most importantly the cheek! That's the best part) on our plate. We were about 5 and 2 1/2 then (I'm sure we got it even earlier, but i can't remember back any further). So we were just told to eat slowly, chew well and take everything out of our mouth that felt like fishbones. Later on we learned to take our fish apart on our own. All pretty relaxed.

Trout meunière with potatoes (just boiled in salt water) and salad is still one of my top favourite dishes.

I'm pretty sure you would like calamari - if you like stuff dunked in batter and fried and if you like garlic mayonnaise. Then add either some fresh, crunchy white bread (sorry, Mel!) or potatoes or tons of white rice and salad - and YUMMMMM!

Melissa Hicks said...

Actually I love my calamari uncrumbed. Just fresh rings cooked for 30 seconds, allowed to drain and then drenched in garlic butter sauce ...... with a fresh side salad :)

Mariann Mäder said...

Yep, works just as well for me, too. But still with a few nice slices of bread. Or rice.

Paula L said...

That crochet cuttlefish is too cute!! Obscure literary reference here, but it reminds me of a Fighting Cephalopod -- the sports mascot at Miskatonic University! LOL Go 'Pods!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

OK *why* was their mascot a fighting Cephalopod ????

Paula L said...

Miskatonic University is the fictional college that H.P. Lovecraft set many of his stories in. It's become a running joke among fans -- there's a website set up for the college, that if you didn't know any better, you would swear it was real! All their "school merchandise" has the Fighting Cephalopod mascot on it. It's a cephalopod because he liked to model his sea monsters after them. :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

D'Oh !!!!! {slaps hand of forehead, winces and curses the sinus pain}

I *knew* that sounded familiar byut I just couldn't place it !!

Thanks db - definitely a walk down memory lane !!!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

And another on a similar theme:

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