Saturday 19 April 2008

Habits of the Modern Stitcher

Pinched from:
My Mark Designs blog.

1.) How do you hold your fabric? with q-snaps.  I'm trully converted
2) Floss licker? No
3) How do you thread your needle? Hmmm tried explaining this one before.  I hiold the e4nd of the thread squashed between the thumb and forefinger pads of my left hand - then I squash the eye of the needle over the threads with my right hand.
5) Are you a needle loser? Only on the train
6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? Depends on the project.  I prefer the trexture of linen or evenweave but there are times when Aida is appropriate.
7) Bobbins or floss bags? Both.  DMC on bobbins, everythign else in floss-A-way bags.
8) Are you a scissors collector? no - but I'd like to be.
9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? Nope - nowhere near this corrdinated.
10) Are you a floss floozy? Not as much as some people :)  I adore fondling gfloss but I'm more likely to buy charts.
11) Silk? Adore sils - would stitch with silks only if I could afford it.
12) Railroader? nope.
13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? Kinda - I tend not to look at simplistic designers like Bent Creek, San Man etc.
14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? Yup - I get very very antsy until I am sure they have received it - International Post gives me sooo many white hairs!
15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? {laughs hysterically}  Anyone know where Louis or Lestat are hanging out these days?
16) Do you wash your projects?  Not really.  I rinse in warm water and check for bleeding before ironing projects are I finish stitchig them.



Claire EJ said...

1.) How do you hold your fabric? with q-snaps.
2) Floss licker? not any more
3) How do you thread your needle?wrap the two strands around forefinger of one hand, rub floss over top of it with other hand and it kind of "jumps" in.
4) What needle do you like best? Piecemakers in a size the square eye. So much easier to use.
5) Are you a needle loser? No
6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? Evenweave
7) Bobbins or floss bags? Neither
8) Are you a scissors collector? Yes
9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? No
10) Are you a floss floozy? Yes
11) Silk? I adore silk but I'm fussy about the brand
12) Railroader? Depends on the floss and the project
13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? Not really
14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? No.
15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? Depends how long I exist for...
16) Do you wash your projects? Never


Natalie Mikesell said...

1.) How do you hold your fabric? with q-snaps although I would like to try stretcher bars
2) Floss licker? yes *embarassed grin*
3) How do you thread your needle? Well... I lick the thread, pinch it flat and then thread it through the eye of the needle and clip the wet thread off.
5) Are you a needle loser? Yes!! I average a package per product.
6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? I prefer a thick linen or evenweave.
7) Bobbins or floss bags? I only use floss away bags...have an entire tote filled with them.
8) Are you a scissors collector? I don't collect special scissors, but do like to have at least 2-3 pair of nice sharp small needlework scissors. I have been known to spend $15 on a good pair.
9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? I really want to start to do my own framing, but have never seen directions that I can understand.
10) Are you a floss floozy? Yes and am seeking help ;)
11) Silk? Ahhh....j'adore silks aussi :) I LOVE to stitch with silks and it is all the fault of Chatelaine!!
12) Railroader? no
13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? I have been leaning in this direction lately, but have not had much money for stashing or time for browsing!
14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? I am antsy to finish a stitched gift! (working on 2 at the moment)
15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? Long time ago...of course when Mel finds out how to live forever and shares that secret with me, I will be fine :D
16) Do you wash your projects? Sometimes. I don't wash the silks, but projects stitched with DMC get washed

Karen R said...

1.) How do you hold your fabric? I use Q-snaps and scrolls mostly, though do have small hoops for the small stuff. My latest bookmark is in-hand, and it's killing me! And I hate holding any of them - my floor stand has me totally spoiled, and I MUST stitch 2-handed.
2) Floss licker? Yes - I just can't get around it.
3) How do you thread your needle? If the thread is really round and puffy, I hold the end of the thread squashed between the thumb and forefinger pads of my left hand - then I squash the eye of the needle over the thread with my right hand. Other wise, I pinch it flat and thread it through.
5) Are you a needle loser? Not really, though every time I forget and buy those Colonial petites, I snap them in two. If I do two in one day, I know it's time to put up the stitching and read a book - I'm obviously stitching too hard :)
6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? I will work on anything, really, as the color is the most important factor. I do NOT like 25ct Dublin linen, though have only used it once; am hoping it was just that particular piece that was way too loose and no body, as I have another piece in the stash.
7) Bobbins or floss bags? Bobbins for all regular DMC, though use non-floss-away bags for blends on WIPs. Silks are in Tyvek CD envelopes, and go on MoP rings when in use.
8) Are you a scissors collector? no - but I'd like to be.
9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? I have done my very first one, and I pinned and laced - too much is always better than not enough, except in the case of water, which could go either way.
10) Are you a floss floozy? Absolutely!
11) Silk? Have yet to find one I didn't like, and it is my preferred clothing material, when I can. Nothing better than wearing silk and leather/suede together :D
12) Railroader? Sometimes - definitely not religiously.
13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? To a degree - it either grabs me or it doesn't, though I will always give my designers the benefit of the doubt and really look at them before I dismiss them. As for particular designs, it's very individual for me. For example, though I collect dragons, I do not automatically like or covet every dragon chart available; none of the dragons on HaED call to me one bit, even though some of the art is really wonderful. I would buy the print before I would feel the need to stitch it. Some things call to be stitched, other things do not, though I may admire them anyway.
14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? I used to more when I gave things to non-crafty people, as I want the recipient to understand the value of what they've been given - my thought and work is more valuable than the materials involved. Since I have been giving gifts to stitching friends, I can only hope I've chosen the colors and the designs wisely, as I know they appreciate the work :)
15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? Not yet, but only because I didn't have a proper stash until the last couple of years - these last couple of years have brought me alarmingly close to it, and I'm sure I'll get there before long - unless computers and online shopping are outlawed TODAY.
16) Do you wash your projects? Everything done in DMC only, yes, because most of them are months (years) in the works, and I know are dirty, but also, I used to smoke, and live with a smoker, who absolutely refuses to stop smoking in the house.

Karen R said...

Shoulda known mine would be monstrously long....

Claire EJ said...

Naturally LOL..Interesting read though , far more so than my "yes" or "no" answers...I blame the hands for economy of typing.

Claire EJ said...

Urgh...should never have answered this..I now have a missing needle..the magnetic wand thingy can't seem to find it...sighs..

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm going to patent the cat on lap system... everytime I dropped a needle last night it landed and sparked on Trubs fur and she wouldn't move until I picked it up again - no it never went it or stuck her - it just lay on the top of her fur .....

Claire EJ said...

Found it...moved a thigh and there it was...a minor ouch LOL

Melissa Hicks said...

Ooops - not a preferred method !!!

Trish Froggatt said...

I'm just relieved that Mel has found an answer to the SABLE problem - we just have to locate Louis or Lestat. That's such a great idea - I'd never thought of that!!! LOL

Mariann Mäder said...

1.) How do you hold your fabric? In hand.
2) Floss licker? No!!
3) How do you thread your needle? The way my seamstress mother taught me: hold thread against pad of index finger, fold thread over thin end of needle, hold down with thumb, turn around needle and slip over the nice stiff loop of thread...

4) What needle do you like best? Easy. John James Petites size 28!

5) Are you a needle loser? not really. If I do drop one I'll look for it immediately because of the cats

6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? linen snob here

7) Bobbins or floss bags? Bobbins are a torture instrument in my household! Floss bags of my own creation, fitted with stiff card. Started skeins and snippets on the front, extra skeins on the back of the card.

8) Are you a scissors collector? Not really. Do have a few good pairs, bot not a real collection.

9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? No

10) Are you a floss floozy? Love fondling the stuff, really!

11) Silk? Definitely. Can't replace all my floss with them unfortunateky, but it's THE material!

12) Railroader? Occasionally, but not consequently.

13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? Definitely. Not a designer snob per se, but won't look at anything cutesy and small. Designs that appeal to me need to be realistic looking and big.

14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? Maybe not antsy, but I'm really looking forward for the reactions of someone who receives one of my stitched gifts :-)

15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? Short and sweet answer: yes.

16) Do you wash your projects? Yes. It's like a ritual. Finish the project, take it to the sink and wash it, iron it dry, enjoy the fresh and FINISHED smell!!!

Claire EJ said...

Ok...Julee left a "?" on mine..where's Number 4??

Melissa Hicks said...

Ok have tracked it back to find the missing number 4:

4) What needle do you like best?

Claire EJ said...

Ah hah...Off I go to edit LOL

Paula Hubert said...

1.) How do you hold your fabric? It depends on the project. Most are on Q-snaps, smaller ones (ornaments or biscornu) are in hoops, and I also use Handi-Clamp scroll frames. Counted canvaswork projects are on stretcher bars. If I have to, I'll stitch in hand, but I don't do it often enough to be comfortable with it.
2) Floss licker? Ick - hate the feel of it in my mouth. (short answer is no lol)
3) How do you thread your needle? Fold the thread over the eye end of the needle. Pinch the strands together. Pull the needle out, and then push the pinched bit through they eye.
4) What needle do you like best? 26 petites by John James. I've been afraid to try Piecemakers because everyone loves them so, and I'm afraid I'll be hooked.
5) Are you a needle loser? Not usually - between Molly, Jingle Britches and The Jerm, and J's bare feet, I don't want anyone else to find it if I drop one!
6) What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? Evenweave or linen
7) Bobbins or floss bags? Bobbins for my main working set of DMC - they get moved into smaller boxes for each project. Bags for other fibers, or for floss in kits. For my "spares", snack sized ziplock bags with full skeins and an index card with the brand and color name or number - these are in photo boxes.
8) Are you a scissors collector? More of a wannabe - but I'm slowly starting to be!
9) Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? I lace - or more accuarately should say that J does my stretching and lacing, since he used to do it for his own canvases for painting.
10) Are you a floss floozy? Yes - and a Brazen Bead Hussy as well!
11) Silk? Defintely!
12) Railroader? Not usually, but I do when I have problems having my thread lie straight.
13) Are you a pattern or designer snob? Not really - hard to be with eclectic taste like mine.
14) Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? Only when I'm sending it via the mail. I stitch only for people I know will appreciate the time and effort.
15) Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? Yes, unless I win MegaMillions and can stop having to work.... oh wait, then I'd probably be doing more stashing anyway! So, most likely still yes lol
16) Do you wash your projects? Definitely anything with DMC - a project with other fibers will get evaluated on a case by case basis.

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