Monday 14 April 2008

Keys to your Life Quiz

The Keys to Your Life
Anything good in your life comes from you having the strength to make good decisions.

You know how to assess a situation before you leap into action.

Anything bad in your life comes from not taking charge when you should be.

You are a natural leader. So be aggressive and take the reins!

Gee like this is a surprise to anyone !!!!


Vamp Pam said...

You agressive Tigger you... lol

Claire EJ said...

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from your vision and clarity.

You're able to see above all the small things in life and wisely understand the big picture.

Anything bad in your life comes from sinking to the level of those around you.

Remember to lift people up, and refuse to participate in anything petty.

The Keys To Your Life

Good grief, it got all that from an eagle and a crow? Really?

Melissa Hicks said...

As my most recent sweetie pointed out - I can't even *pretend* to be a sub !!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Claire I'm thinking the first two are from the first animal and the second two from the second ... needless to say I chose a cougar for *both* :)

Claire EJ said...

Yeah, probably works that way....I do associate crows with bad though...nasty carrion loving cawing things....

Michele Anderson said...

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from your ability to play and be free.

The best way for you to solve a problem is to let go of it.

Anything bad in your life comes from sinking to the level of those around you.

Remember to lift people up, and refuse to participate in anything petty.

The Keys To Your Life

Claire EJ said...

Unless it needs a hammer of course..

Michele Anderson said...

Oh Claire, my dog is looking at me like what the heck is your problem! Thanks for the fantastic laugh right before I head out the door to do the first 2 stores before the 'hammer' store! Hopefully, my inner 'b***h' will not be needed and they will go together easily!! Poor Mel, is probably going Huh right now too!! Have a great second half of your day!!
Luv and Hugs to you both!

Claire EJ said...

And to you honey, drive safe and remember the hammer.

Melissa Hicks said...

Huh ??????

What can I say - I try to be obliging :)

Claire EJ said...

Didn't you just say you weren't "sub"??

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm obliging when it suits me :) :)

Karen R said...

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from your ability to play and be free.

The best way for you to solve a problem is to let go of it.

Anything bad in your life comes from sinking to the level of those around you.

Remember to lift people up, and refuse to participate in anything petty.

The Keys To Your Life

Claire EJ said...

Sounds good to me:)

Hilary Syddall said...

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from seeking balance and unity.

You are a flexible shapeshifter who has the skills to survive in any situation.

Anything bad in your life comes from not being true to yourself.

Trust your instincts and follow them. Only you know what's best.

The Keys To Your Life

Paula Hubert said...

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from your vision and clarity.

You're able to see above all the small things in life and wisely understand the big picture.

Anything bad in your life comes from not being true to yourself.

Trust your instincts and follow them. Only you know what's best.

The Keys To Your Life

Natalie Mikesell said...

The Keys to Your Life

Anything good in your life comes from boldly confronting the darkness.

Illusions are dangerous, and you benefit from seeing the world as it truly is.

Anything bad in your life comes from sinking to the level of those around you.

Remember to lift people up, and refuse to participate in anything petty.

The Keys To Your Life

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