Monday 14 July 2008


Well Day One is working out just fine ....

Plane left 30 mins late, arrived 45 mins late.  Luggage did not arrive at all.

(txted Claire with news Dragon start number 3 had also disappeared).

Was greeted at Stephen's place with hugs, tea and a fresh gluten-free muffin :)

Jointly did some food shopping, bought cheese, amongst other things. Stephen bought lots of me-type-dietary food as well as some essentials for himself.  Then chatting and catching up before my bag was couriered out around midnight.

Turned out the destination label somehow fell off the bag while it was still in Sydney.  They did not know what plane to put it on, so they put it to one side to wait for someone to scream that it hadn't arrived and then they sent it on the next available flight.  So it arrived and was couriered out later same night.  It is definitely my bag and all cross stitch projects appear to have arrived safely.

Went to bed after watching the MotoGP at around 2am local time (meaning I had been awake for 25 hours straight). 

This morning the boy got up, breakfasted and headed off to work.

I have had breakfast, eaten cheese, lovely exotic cheese, caught up on emails and group lists and basically have relaxed .....

Might do something really stressful shortly like have a nap.


Shawn Medrano said...

Oooooooooooo, a nap; remind me again what that is! It sounds heavenly!! lol Hope you have a great time!!

Karen R said...

Well, I like to think of traveling as the necessary evil to get to the relaxation part! Unless of course, you're visiting family, in which case traveling could be your only salvation :) Enjoy your holiday, and take a nap for me!!

Claire EJ said...

So relieved that Faience and his bag have arrived.
Rest up love, your strength will be needed when you get home.

kay jones said...

Glad your Dragon finally made it. Now no excuses for not working on it:))

Have a nap for me too.

Melissa Hicks said...

Disgusting weather here today. Decided to hole up until after lunch and hope the weather improves. Will think about heading out after lunch and some stitching.

I hate rainy weather when I'm on my own. {whinge whine blather}

Paula Hubert said...

Awww - sorry the weather is bad - but at least you're not having to be commuting in it! :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Yep! Stephen got drenched in it yesterday just moving from building to building within his work. I at least had the option of opening the door, saying Nope! and scurrying back inside.

I got Wizard's Inkwell started yesterday. Well I got about 20 stitches into it - but hey a start is a start ....

kay jones said...

and today you are out to dinner with Janine. Hope you had a great time and that your cc isn't crying too much

Melissa Hicks said...

I had a lovely lunch provided by Janine and yes my cc is whimpering a little, but I think I got some very good deals for the amount I purchased so I am not complaining .....

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