Monday 28 July 2008

Well 15 hours later .....

15 hours and 15 minutes after I left home this morning, I returned home tonight.

I attended my interview in Melbourne.

It went for an hour and a half and at the end I was taken on a tour of the work area and shown the office the successful applicant will have.

I blitzed all the technical and procedural questions.  I can do the job standing on my head and they knew it.  I had to put a presentation together and then present it based on a given scenario.  I listed all the unknowns that weren't covered by the scenario and then listed the assumptions I made to cover this.  I then did the presentation.

They looked at each other for an uncomfortably long time and said - well we can't think of any questions, in role or as interviewers to ask about this presentation. You have been so thorough there's nothing left for us to ask.  And I did it in less than the 5 minutes allocated.

It went on like that for all of the technical questions.

However, I don't think I did anywhere near as well on the personality questions.  I really could not gauge what it was they wanted, so I just gave up and was just me.  I figured if they want me, they'll know what I am and how I behave.  If they want someone with a different personality then its better for us to all know now.

Their body language and the fact they stopped taking notes made me uncomfortably aware that all three of them had made up their minds before the end of the interview.  I don't know if that is good or bad - I really cannot tell - but I know they did each form definite impressions of me.

They will decide later this week and will send out official notifications to the successful and unsuccessful applicants next week.

So for those that are that way inclined, please ask your deities to make sure they chose the "right" decision whatever that is ....

Karma was working for me this afternoon.  I misjudged the waiting queue for the Skybus back to the airport and I arrived 13 minutes after my plane was supposed to be boarded.  Turns out my flight was delayed an hour.

So I'm home now.  I've eaten junk food for dinner and some Haigh's chocolates and teased Stephen and now I'm going to fall over and go comatose for a few hours ....

Night all.


Melissa Hicks said...

Thank you Kay for the cute e-card !!! I just read it .... its soooo cute!

Rachel Cox said...

Fingers crossed and trust in my mothers old saying - what is for you, will not go past you!
It means if the job is yours you have it, and if not something else better will come along!

Paula Hubert said...

Hmmm - interesting experience. I'll have some things crossed for you!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Good luck! Will keep my fingers crossed that you get the position :)

Shawn Medrano said...

Hope all goes the well for you Mel!!!!!! Sending out good vibes!! You did have a bit of luck with that flight......that's awesome, I usually end up there early and waiting longer. lol

Karen R said...

Am keeping all things possible crossed for you!!!! Let's hope the flight home was just an extension of the luck :)

Stephanie Flynn said...

Good luck Mel, I hope everything works out for the best!

Hilary Syddall said...

Ooh best of luck Mel - keeping my left hand fingers crossed so I can still type :-)

Jodie Hill said...

Oh, good luck!!! I'll keep things crossed here too!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks everyone !!!!

Kerry Dustin said...

Good luck on the job. And enjoy being home again.

Mariann Mäder said...

Well, it sounds like you've had an interesting day! Take the fact that your flight was delayed when you got to the airport late as a little good luck charm :-)

I'll keep thinking of you that you'll get it! Wouldn't that make for the best birthday present? So let's all cross stitches and toes. Oh, and I've almost finished my second little dragon on your RR. Just need to do the black...

Consider yourself hugged about once an hour until you get the news and then we'll see with what kind of hugs we continue: celebratory or consoling.............

kay jones said...

everything crossed for you. Its time someone had some luck. Hopefully your name is at the top of the list. Hugs................

Melissa Hicks said...

Eveni9ng all - I'm sooo tired I'm actually looking forward to moving one way or another.

I'm really nit that worried about the job. I know I aced all the technical competencies hands down. Its now just a matter of personality. Am I the personality they are looking for. If I am, I will get the job - I'm I'm not then I wont.

Its truly out of my hands and I not even worried. If it is right I will get it, and if it is the wrong job for me then I wont. I am seriously not worrying or fretting at all.

I'm just very tired from trying to keep up with all of my responsibilities at my current work and the declining and uncertain situation with my landlady.

Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

Keeping things crossed for the right decision

Lori M. said...

If the job is right for you, then you'll get it. Things tend to work out that way. You didn't say how you felt about them. Would you like to work for them? Is the job what you thought it would be and would you enjoy doing it? Wishing you all the best!

Sisu Lull said...

Best of luck Mel! I hope whatever way it goes, you will find happiness in the end.

Melissa Hicks said...

Lori - the job is doing what I do now in an equivalent organisation. They do things slightly different and use a different software package to run it all - but technically I should be up and running within a month.

The flip side is that I suspect they have the same staffing issues I am already dealing with so I do wonder if I'm jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire .....

kay jones said...

The only thing I would be worried about in your situation is "Did they think you were overqualified".
I can remember several instances where I applied for jobs and was told that I would be bored as I was overqualified for the job. Or, come to that, were the interviewers worried about you taking over their jobs? Now theres a thought.

Melissa Hicks said...

Always a possibility :) And one I have lost jobs over in the past. Nothing I can do about it :)

Laura Landis said...

Mel, it sounds like things went as well as they could. I've added you to my list and will keep you in my thoughts. Like you, I think things will work out the way they are supposed to, so hang in there!!

By the way, what's the picture of?

Melissa Hicks said...

Part of the University Campus. The middle building of the photo contains the library :)

Melissa Hicks said...

I was in speaking with my Manager at lunch time today and they rang him and asked him referee questions. Needless to say I was silently shooed out of the office :)

Sisu Lull said...

Well, if you were out of the running, they wouldn't be following up on that, would they? I think it is a good sign.

Rosanne Derrett said...

V positive news. All these things are happening together for a reason. Time for a change methinks!

Karen R said...

:) Sounds promising!!

Nancy Murdock said...

If they are calling about you , you are definitely still in the running.... good luck!

Laura Landis said...

Oooo, sounding good! Cool building, by the way.

Jodie Hill said...

Hope everything works out! At least you know there's still a chance!

Melissa Hicks said...

Hmm yes but not much of a chance. According to my Manager the main thing they kept harping on about was the fact that I only had one year's recent experience in an academic environment and did I completely understand how an academic environment works.

Bill said they were complete snobs as he hired me with less experience and he would so again. He said it was my lack of pretension in that department that helped land me the job where I am - because the long-term academic librarian mindset is one they are trying to break here at UNSW.

I also read their HR policies and RMIT only assist with relocation costs f or upper management (specifically HEW 9 and above and I'm applying for a HEW 8 position) so I think I'm going to have to shoulder those costs all by myself ....

So although the concept of Melbourne is still attractive, the realities are looking a little dubious ....

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