Considering that I've been home for over an hour and she hasn't moved from the bed yet ......
Maybe she's trying to telekenitically get me to come to bed .....
Actually I like that "sucking out your thoughts" line. I might use that. I no longer have Senior moments - my cat has been sucking out my thoughts ......
I'll forwards this this to Mum - she has a human ruling tortie cat that wears a wrist watch.
I'm also glad Harry has gone to cause troble up above - if he met Trubs and Buzz he'd 1. Cause a fight 2. Teach them to nag for food 3. To steal anything appetising from a human plate/hand 4. Sharpen his claws on the nearest human and 5. Loose all semblance of toilet training whenever he was thwarted in his evil little moggy mind.
Trubs does that one already !!!! Well in moderation thank goodness. When she's mad at me she pisses down the drain in the middle of the laundry floor instead of in her litter tray.
At least its on tiles which can be washed, and its in the same room ....
So, how often does she either suck out your thoughts or wave her paw in your face with the Jedi move to indicate Tuna?
Considering that I've been home for over an hour and she hasn't moved from the bed yet ......
Maybe she's trying to telekenitically get me to come to bed .....
Actually I like that "sucking out your thoughts" line. I might use that. I no longer have Senior moments - my cat has been sucking out my thoughts ......
Sith cats will do that to you...mine does..
Yes there are at least two reasons we don't want Trubs and Buzz to meet.
1. They will compare vocabularies
2. They will compare Sith techniques ....
I'll forwards this this to Mum - she has a human ruling tortie cat that wears a wrist watch.
I'm also glad Harry has gone to cause troble up above - if he met Trubs and Buzz he'd
1. Cause a fight
2. Teach them to nag for food
3. To steal anything appetising from a human plate/hand
4. Sharpen his claws on the nearest human
and 5. Loose all semblance of toilet training whenever he was thwarted in his evil little moggy mind.
LMAO!!!! You guys make my DOG seem down right comatose!!!!!
That explains why my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top any more. And I thought the daggone cat was snuggling with me.
Trubs does that one already !!!! Well in moderation thank goodness. When she's mad at me she pisses down the drain in the middle of the laundry floor instead of in her litter tray.
At least its on tiles which can be washed, and its in the same room ....
I dont think there's any answer to that one.:)))
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