Wednesday 23 July 2008

Snotfest 2008 (tm) Travels Down Under

Well considering its the middle of July (i.e. the middle of Winter) I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

When I first got to Perth Stephen was working really long hours and was exhausted every night.  A few days later when he started to actually take time off work and spend with me instead, we discovered that the exhaustion wasn't due to over working.

The poor uncomplaining lamb had contracted a really really bad head and chest cold.  He tried his best to come out with me and see the sights and he never complained but he was really sick.

Then naturally enough, I contracted it.

Never fly on a plane when you have sinusitis through your ears. It hurts.

Stephen is slowly on the mend and I think that today I am too.  I think last night was the absolute worst for me.

I have reduced lung capacity because of the chest infection.  I have really bad sinusitis and I laid awake last night for hours because my forearms wrists and hands ached so badly.  I mean my whole body aches but these were aching so much that I could not get comfortable nor could I sleep.

It reminded me of when I had tendinitis and my forearms were certainly swollen.  I think that what's been happening is that I've been clenching my fists while I sleep - something I do when I have nightmares or in pain while sleeping.

Oh and to cap it all off, I somehow chipped a tooth at some point yesterday so I was awake for hours with a toothache.

Saw the doctor yesterday who gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a decongestant cough syrup.  Now have appointment with dentist today for chipped tooth.

Spoke with mum and she said that this thing is going around a the moment and I've gotten a light dose because many of her clients have had to be hospitalised.  Its a good thing that I have good lungs to start with (thank you peanut gallery).

This also explains why Stephen is taking sooo long to recover - although not hospitalised, he certainly had a worse dose than I did.

If I have a proper night's sleep tonight I will go back to work tomorrow.  I definitely do have a medical certificate for Mon-Wed this week because I know the rumours that go around when you claim sick leave at the end of holidays .....


Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

Hugs Mel - hope you feel better quickly

Kerry Dustin said...

Yuck. We've been sick over here too. Hugs to you both.

Mariann Mäder said...

Better to be safe than sorry! I'm glad you're on the mend, Mel, those colds are yucky! More gentle healing hugs!

In fact, my last one changed a whole lot in me! I think I smell differently, I have noticed some changes in my sense of taste, which I hate and it took me endlessly long to get over the tiredness and the aches.

Claire EJ said...

I know it's only a few hours but I hope you're feeling better [some at least]. Winter flu is horrible. Glad yours isn't "bad" enough to put you into hospital. Take it easy love and rest.

Karen R said...

Well, that's too bad that it hampered your holiday with Stephen!! I hope you are feeling better quickly!!

Paula Hubert said...

Feel better soon; those bugs can be real beasts.

Sisu Lull said...

Hmm, if you are clenching your fists when you sleep, could it be you are grinding your teeth as well? That could be where the chipped tooth came from.
Get well soon. I am glad you got the less serious version of the bug but it still sounds like a serious case of the 'icky-ucky-yicky-yucky-blahs' to me.

Rosanne Derrett said...

I really hope both of you feel better soon. Sound like you got a lighter dose because your immune system is in better condition than Stephen's. It is a nasty thing to get. Have you had your flu jab this winter?

Shawn Medrano said...

Poor Mel...........hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Yep I did. Don;t know about Stephen though. But this is not influenza - just a nasty head cold and respiratory tract infection .....

I had an OK night last night so I'm up at this ungodly hour and am about to drag my carcass into work. I *really* hope the Melbourne job comes through - I'm so tired of these ridiculously early starts ....

For the last couple of days I've been woken by the phone at 10:00 or 10:30am. And now - I'm showered and dressed by 4:30am. Yuck!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh don't tell me that. We still think the last nasty head cold was the catalyst for the loss of smell and subsequent allergy to peanuts.

Melissa Hicks said...

Well we found out that we can live in a cramped little apartment for a week when both of us are feeling like crap and not actually kill each other. Apart from a few tears on my end, there were no dramas.

That was useful information to know :)

Karen R said...

Don't mean to laugh, but yeah, that's good to know, regardless of how the knowledge comes about :) Having left one husband after an argument over dinner - hey, I know how it goes...

Melissa Hicks said...

Having both been married and in long term relations before - we saw it this way too :) :)

After all true relationships are about the bad as well as the good. The fact that all I want to do is smack him across the head for not telling me *how* sick he was bodes well .....

Melissa Hicks said...

BTW Karen - glad you liked the dragonflies .......

Karen R said...

That was you???? You sneaky tigger!!! They are awesome!!! Thank you so much!

Claire EJ said...

Ah hah...she owned up ! Kewl! Awesome gifty.

Karen R said...

Yes, it is awesome - you guys should see that big dragonfly in person! The detail is amazing!! Now - to get over my fear of finishing something like that - which I guess isn't an issue until it's stitched - but you know what I mean :)

Claire EJ said...

I had to add it to my lust list but I know that as soon as tomorrow is over, I'll be buying it. It's one of those where I daren't let it pass me by.

Paula Hubert said...

My only other requirement (and I'm not sure if your first trip covered this?) is "can we travel well together"? And I don't mean the easy trips - get on a plane, bags arrive, spend a carefree week on the beach in the sun.... the ones where you're driving, get horribly lost, suffer a flat on the car and then it rains all week and you're stuck in the hotel...

Fortunately, J fits that requirement... and he didn't know it was a test until after our first trip to Maine lol.

kay jones said...

Well at least you had one husband who actually spoke (or maybe shouted). My previous husband wondered why I slung him out after he hadn't spoken to me for three months. Mind you, he hadn't said anything useful in the previous 10 years so it wasn't a hardship

kay jones said...

Hope you are feeling better by now.

Shawn Medrano said...

Oh how funny!!! Minus the getting lost, that describes the first trip I took with Ray. It was right after we got married and we were on our way from WI to CA the day after we got married (so I could meet his family). Yup.......that was our honeymoon. lol

Melissa Hicks said...

Any time sweetheart - I saw it and it just screamed out your name ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Can't say I have done that with any of my partners. Not even my ex-husband.

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