Saturday 12 July 2008

New email

Seeing as my lovely ISP cuts off my email after 20 meg (and I can fill that in one day), Stephen has offered me room on his server.

If you want to contact me while I am away, my new email address is:

And in other news, its official: my Landlady is a COW!


Shawn Medrano said...

Glad you'll have Email while gone!! :) Ummmmm, not sure that's a good thing about the we even want to know what she did now?? Sounds like a good thing you'll be away for a few!!

Frishawn Rasheed said...

What did she do that would make her a COW???

Karen R said...

Sounds like more and more incentive to make that move :) Whatever it is.

Melissa Hicks said...

Its more a case of "wherever" that is.

The bitch visited at 8:45pm last night, knowing I was leaving at 6:30am this morning to inform me that she's selling the property from underneath me, and it would be better for all concerned if I moved out before the property is advertised.

I get back from Perth 11pm Monday night 21 July. She wants to brings the Property Manager through fro photographs on Wednesday 22 July and have the first lot of people through on Saturday 25 July.

I'll be ringing the Rental Assistance line tomorrow and seeing what my legal rights are. These change from State to State so I am not exactly sure where I stand.

Her reasoning for telling me when she did "Oh I thought you consider your options and start searching for a new place while you weren't frantically worried about your work."


kay jones said...

What a bitch. Surely you must have some legal rights.

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh I definitely have rights - I'm just not sure exactly what. The last time this happened to me, they had to give me 8 weeks written notice to vacate because the property was being put up for sale, they had to provide 7 days written notice before they brought people through the house and even then they needed my consent.

But that was 12 years ago and in a different State.

I do not know what my exact legal rights are here and now so I will find out tomorrow. I somehow suspect the part about needing my permission to show people through the property is still in force and is probably *why* she is "encouraging" me to move out as fast as possible.

I've always joked that I could never get my home and work in line. If one is not in turmoil the other is.

The last time work was going well I had neighbours from Hell. The day I went back to work from moving away from them, the Boss announced I would be changing jobs to Branch Librarian Niagara Park - a job I hated with a passion.

Now that my own work is looking up again for the first time since last September, (the appeaser supervisor is gone, I have acting higher duties etc) the bitch pulls this stunt.

All of this *is* going to impact on my ability to get funds together for the trip next August. Moving house is expensive regardless whether I move to Sydney, Melbourne (or even Perth?). There's 3-5 thousand in moving costs and then the rental increase.

I'll worry about it all when I come home ....

Melissa Hicks said...

OK switching computer off now.

You wanna talk to me - send messages here or the above new email address.

Catch you in a few hours or so ..... I think I'm scheduled to land in 9 hours from now. And then I will given tea and cuddles (I hope :))

Karen R said...

Well, gee, that's real nice of her... Good luck getting your due out of it! Nothing like a little advanced warning, huh?

Jodie Hill said...

Yikes! That was very nervy of her to just give you basically little more than a week's notice. She didn't happen to know your travel plans, did she? You get home on the 21st and she's going to start doing stuff on the 22nd? Grrrr... maybe I should sig Sam the toad hunter on her ankles...

Mariann Mäder said...

What horrid news! And how reckless...

I'll wait for your update on your legal rights. I know that things like that happen here, but since a highter percentage of the population rents than owns and most people rent from property companies rather than private owners I suppose it can't happen that often.

Hope your vacation gets you up on your feet a little bit!

Mariann Mäder said...

I've just been thinking, Mel...

There's no reason why you couldn't talk to possible new owners and see what their plans would be about the property. Most of them would probably have to let your flat to some tenants anyway. You can always point out that you've been there for a while, keep it up well and provide for a regular payment of your rent.

At least worth a try, don't you think?

Melissa Hicks said...

The property could take over six months to sell, with people traipsing through every single week, looking through cupboards and drawers while I am not there - keeping the house in perfect condition at all times....

No thank you.

I'll learn more tomorrow. But its more likely that in the current market it will be bought by people to live in - investment properties are not a good investment in our current market.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yep - she's known my plans (and that Alison would be there house and cat sitting) for over two weeks. She even double checked it all at 9:30am that same morning and still left it until 8:45pm that night to tell me ......

Lori M. said...

Wow, Mel! I'm really sorry to hear about your housing situation. I hope that things work out for the best!

Stephanie Flynn said...

What a crappy way to start your vacation. I would imagine you've paid through July so she can't very well just kick you out! Hopefully the law will be on your side....but it might also explain why she finally fixed the yard area after a year.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup that was my thought too Stephanie. I believe she made the decision and contacted the Real Estate agents etc etc the day the backyard was finished. She just didn't tell *me* until now.

Shawn Medrano said...

That's just crappy!!! Now I can totally understand the whole COW description, I can't understand some people. I hope things work out for the best and a wonderful place is just waiting for you so both of your worlds can go smooth for once.

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Shawn - many big hugs for you !!!! and all my friends.

As Stephen and I were discussing last night, its not a matter of not wanting to jump - its a matter of jump WHERE?

As I see it I have a few options:

1. Find something else very close to where I live. The moving costs will be smaller but I will probably have higher rent and still the commute.
2. Find something closer to Sydney - say around the outskirts of the city. Higher rent offset by small recent increase in pay and hopefully a smaller commute.
3. Leave Trubs with Alison or mum (both of whom offered) and pay an exorbitant amount of rent for a tiny apartment walking distance to work. I can afford a crappy tiny apartment in a crappy old apartment building of 100 plus apartments in a cinder box for about the same amount I pay now in rent and travel combined. I get my free time back but I lose Trubs and suffocate with the sheer amount of people around me.
4. Sean, one of the friends from work has asked me if I would share house with him. Nothing sexual, just so we can afford something a little better like a two-bedroom townhouse with backyard that will allow Trubs to stay. Problems are can I live with another person in my space who is not my partner and actually finding something that fits both our requirements and incomes. Moving costs will be high.
5. The job from RMIT comes through - moving costs will be higher but they should offer to pay part of my relocation costs to Melbourne. Problem is that being a University, I may not hear from them for up to another 4 months ....
5. Perth? Not even going to speculate until/unless Stephen asks me.

My job is definitely looking up in terms of responsibility and career-enhancing experience between now and Xmas (probably now and July next year to be honest). So I was planning on sticking with this job until September next year (when I return from the Get Together). The financial ability to attend the Get Together is now in jeopardy ....

If the RMIT job offer comes through - do I take it? A month ago I wouldn't hesitate . but now is it a better move career-wise to stay where I am?

Perth? been keeping an eye out, but I haven't seen any appropriate job openings come up. So from a career point of view, this city is so far out of the running.

The flip side though is do I want to concentrate on my current career path, or do I concentrate on getting myself into a situation where I can do my Masters and change careers? If that is the case then would moving to Melbourne and saving my pennies, or to Perth and sharing costs, be a better way to go?

I just don;t know which way to jump and I don't want to move to Sydney only to find out a week later that I get offered the position in Melbourne ...

Or am I over-thinking the whole situation again?

Melissa Hicks said...

Update: a few hours later ....

Been rung by RMIT. Offered a phone interview for the position in Melbourne. They wanted to schedule it while I would be in the air between Perth and Sydney next Monday :) So they are going to call me back tomorrow with an alternative time/day.

Spoke to NSW Tenants Advisory Service, NSW Department of Fair Trading, my Real Estate Property Agent and then the Landlady ... sorry Stephen I've added a bit to your phone bill {blush}.

The upshot is what she did with her visit and verbally informing me was totally inappropriate and illegal.

If she wants me out because she is selling the property, she needs to contact the Real Estate Agents and they will send me notice in writing of 60 days in which to vacate the premises.

I only need to give 21 days notice if I choose to leave earlier.

I have to give permission for her to show anyone through the property and I can say no. However it is in the rental contract that I allow in a "reasonable" amount of times and she can ask a "reasonable" amount of times with a "reasonable" notice of intent.

She cannot ring me at work and say "I have people here, I'm showing them through your property". I do have to agree to some allowance though.

The Real Estate Property Manager said that in her experience, allowing showings for one hour each fortnight on a Saturday afternoon is what is generally considered "reasonable".

The RE are mightily pissed off with her because they hadn't heard a single rumour that she was intending to sell .... so they are going after her to make sure all of the correct forms are filled in and I am sent official written 60 days notice.

The Fair Trading Dept and the RE both insisted that I ring the landlady and inform her that I do not agree to her showing a seller through the property next Wednesday. That I will renegotiate a time with her when I return from leave and at no time will I ever endorse photographs being taken that show the inside of the property or any of my belongings.

I thought I would take the cowards way out and ring her home phone and leave a message on her voice mail while she was at work. I forgot its school holidays, and she answered the phone.

I gave my information and her response was "that is fine, we will take photographs and conduct inspections once you have moved out as long as you move out quickly".


Anyway, all advisors agreed there is nothing further *I* can do until I return home, so I should just enjoy the rest of my holiday. The Real Estate Agents will be having a long chat with her regarding procedures and levels of propriety.

Advice I intend on taking. Or attempting to take.

Oh crap! What is wrong with me - why am I panicking over whether I want in Melbourne now ??? I put in the bloody application - why am I feeling sooo apprehensive that I might actually get the job?

Stephen Silk said...

You don't have to consider anything until such time as you actually receive the notice to vacate in the correct, legal format. And her comment about "as long as you move out quickly" is just too bad for her - you have legal rights whether she likes it or not. So if she's going to wait until you move to even start selling it then that's her own lookout and she can't blame you for any delay.

Mariann Mäder said...

I see your reason...

Wouldn't want that either, that's much too demanding...

Mariann Mäder said...

You know, you didn't expect to hear from them for months yet and you heard from them already... the decision could still take months, but you'd know that anything you get closer to or in Sydney will be for a defined period of time. If not, then at least you have somewhere to stay to find something else.

At least you know more of the legal ramifications and you know for good that your landlady is on the wrong side of the argument.

kay jones said...

Dont panic. They want to see you in Melbourne? go see them. At least you will get some idea of whether you are still interested in the job.

Calm down about being evicted. The Agents haveto give you 60 days notice which means that your landlady cant do anything about it. and by the sound of it they aren;t going to bust a gut to send you that notice. Take things one step at a time. Listen to the advice Stephen is giving you. It sounds very sensible to me.

Above all enjoy your time in Perth.

Hugs to you both................

Karen R said...

Well, I think you have some breathing room, and time to enjoy your vacation! As for the job in Melbourne, if it sounded good reading about it, then you should try to put your fears aside and go talk to them; you might just need to be reminded why it sounded so great to begin with :) And if you can establish a timetable both with that and this ridiculous moving situation, all the pieces just might fall into place for you - finally!!!! I fully believe you are due for a break and/or a run of good luck!

Melissa Hicks said...

The interview in Melbourne will be a phone interview either Monday morning before I leave or Tuesday morning when I am home if I call in sick ...

I will do my best although I suck at phone interview's as there are no body language clues for me to pick up on.

Have decided if I am offered the Melbourne job I will take it. Both Stephen and Mum have offered thoughts and ideas on the financial aspects of moving.

Weather bleak - mood bleaker.

Have arranged to visit and have lunch with Janine from Colours Down Under tomorrow. Better leave cc with Stephen.

Mariann Mäder said...

That, in spite of bleak weather and mood, is sounding a bit upward, Mel.

Give Janine a hug from me and my best regards! Wish I could be there with you meeting her!

Paula Hubert said...

I'm just catching up - and I don't know where to begin! Still lots to think about. Enjoy your vacation, and I'll be sending good thoughts your way that everything works out in a way that's fabulous for you.

kay jones said...

At least you sound positive even if you dont necessarily feel so,.

Lunch with Janine sounds great and at least it will take your mind off things.

Hope the weather is better. It isn't great here especially since its SUPPOSED to be summer.

Keep smiling.......its better than having a blotchy face from crying:)))

Melissa Hicks said...

Yeah I think the weather assisted everything to get on top of me yesterday morning. Had dinner out and a movie and some cuddles last night and feel a lot better today. Weather appears to have improved too :) :)

kay jones said...

Thats good. The weather here has improved today too. I actually got some washing dry and managed to clear a bit more of the wilderness.

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - doing some washing here too this morning :) And possibly the washing up before heading out for the day. Am dubious of the weather - all the online services tell me its raining hard here, but there's blue sky out there. Will give it an hour or two in case they know something I don't.

Hilary Syddall said...

wow - um wow!!!!!!!! huge hugs coming your way along with good job and move vibes!

Laura Landis said...

Okay, I'm so far behind! How are things going on the new home/job/etc. front? I hope it's all working out the way you want/hope.

Melissa Hicks said...

Not that far behind Laura.

my Landlady is still a cow and is pressuring me into letting people through the house already when I still have not received any official word from the real estate that she is going through all the proper channels.

I've drafted an email to the Real Estate to forward to her this morning basically stating that all communication must go through the Real Estate office and I need at least seven days notice in writing of any request to enter the property.

As for the job front - well the interview is on Monday in Melbourne so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Now that I'm back in my job here at work I am indeed ready to move on. I'm tired of the politics here.

Hilary Syddall said...

Good for you standing your ground Gothy! and yep you need out of the places you are

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Laura. I've been in back-to-back meetings for the last 3 and a half hours so its lunch time now. But I just rang the RE manager and told her about the email and she said I was being perfectly reasonable and asked me to send it through.

So that is done.

Its raining and miserable outside but I am tired. I'm going out there anyway for a breath of outside air for lunch.

Stephen Silk said...

Who are you and what have you done with our Mel? :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks love :) I vaguely remember receiving an email from someone else who said my proposal sounded reasonable ......

Stephen Silk said...

Oh, the proposal was reasonable... :-)

Melissa Hicks said...

Careful - you know what happened last time we discussed reasonable sounding proposals {evil grin}

Laura Landis said...

Okay, Mel, so I'm keeping the good thoughts going!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Thanks Laura! I'm sure it will all work out soon ....

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