Saturday 16 August 2008


Pics taken of mum and Trubs.

As we are moving, I decided it was finally time to get Trubs a tag in case anything happens.  The two pics are Trubs in her new finery and her friendship with mum ....

Hope everyone else has happy domestics pics at times .....


Donna Williams said...

IF I could get a picture of Mom and DC together, you wouldn't be able to see her for the cat! Phredd hasn't quite reached his proportions yet, and I'm hoping he doesn't, because quite frankly now, when he lays on my chest, I feel as if I'm gonna suffocate.

Mum and Trubs look quite happy together.

Claire EJ said...

Mum looks bored stuff LOL.
Trubs with her tag, very cute!

Hilary Syddall said...

I'm not sure if Trubs is happy with her new finery or not! Is she now moved in with your Mum ready for you moving?

Paula Hubert said...

Trubs looks almost like she's tolerating the picture bit - but I'm sure she considers her perch in Denise's lap only what she deserves!

Mariann Mäder said...

She looks happy and Denise looks comfy - what more can you want? Shared comfort must be double comfort, LOL

Jodie Hill said...

Trubs looks pretty with her new tag, and pretty content with your Mom.

Rosanne Derrett said...

You are so getting 'that' look from Trubs. I can never manage to keep a collar on car here for more than a few days. I gave up with Harry in the end

Karen R said...

Cute pics - does Trubs ordinarily wear a collar? I have never been able to keep one on a cat. And Lucy spends half her time trying to chew on her tags :(

Mariann Mäder said...

Söckli used to have one (with address charm), but I had to take it down - not because she didn't tolerate it, but because it really matted her fur around the neck. It knotted and clotted together so bad that I quickly stopped putting the collar on her.

Also with my previous cat, which was all black I took the collar away when I noticed that it made her fur go all white just around it...

Sisu Lull said...

Is it a leather collar or woven nylon? Beware the woven kind. A friend of ours had put one on their cat and when he was scratching, his claws caught it, yanked it tight, and the buckle peg slipped through that tight notch. They didn't notice it was still on him, they thought he lost the collar. I was petting him and noticed he was wheezing and had a funny little cough, so I checked his throat and found the imbedded collar. His skin had grown into in and the wound looked horrible.

Melissa Hicks said...

Don't they pet their own cat? Maybe I'm more worried about fleas?

I would know within hours if Trubs had done something like that because I always scratch her under her chin and across the back of neck when she smooches.

Sisu Lull said...

I am not sure. I found it when I was house sitting for them. They were on their honeymoon. Maybe with the stress of the impending wedding and being in and out of the house so often, they just gave him an absent minded pat now and then without really scritching him good. He is still alive and well today, a fat and sassy 20 year old, so I know they do take care of him. I must admit I was furious when I found it though.

Carolyn Ford said...

Great pics Mel - thanks for sharing!
We put a tag on our Lucy that has phone numbers for both here at home in VA, and a NY/NJ number (my in-laws) for in case she got lost up there (since we are up there so often.) Now that she's too old to travel well, she's been staying home with a sitter when we take our trips, but it doesn't make sense to change her tag over it.

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