Monday 4 August 2008

Igor !!!!

Fetch me a new brain - this one refuses to function today .....

Should I touch the dread Caffiene ???


Claire EJ said...

Avoid the caffeine...not the best idea for getting the brain to function.,

However, should you find the Igor, I'd like a new brain please, one that hasn't already had surgery or tumours please!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Igor is hiding - apparently having PMS *and* my period at the same time (while being out of chocolate) is a little bit nerve-wracking for those around me ....

Karen R said...

Vodka is a suitable chocolate substitute :) And slows down the rest of the stuff to the brain's rate!!

Mariann Mäder said...

If you spell caffeine "caffiene" I think changing the brain or at least parts of it might be a jolly good idea

Frankly, you're more likely in need of chocolate. I know that feeling only too well. Hope it passes quickly.

Rosanne Derrett said...

Take the caffeine because Phoebe ha all the chocolate. It really helps her with her mood swings! Think I'm joking - she's gone through a bar of healthy dog choc this afternoon. She keeps coming back and asking for more.

Oh and put the gun down!

Melissa Hicks said...

They don;t let me near the guns at this time of the month. Hell they've seen what I can do with plastic cutlery {evil grin}

Even my staff are nice to me at the moment - I understand the power of fear .....

I'm just sooo tired and just want to curl up in a ball and sleep forever .....

Another day .... one more down!

kay jones said...

Keep on the caffeine and eat more chocolate. Theres nothing wrong with your brain; its just full of things other than work at the moment.:))

Melissa Hicks said...

Yup - got some inquiries in with RE offices - now just have to wait ....

Stephen Silk said...

RE offices? What's up?

Claire EJ said...

LOL....Now who needs the caffeine?
Check the dates on the posts....

Stephen Silk said...

It just showed up on my RSS feed. Weird...

Claire EJ said...

Very weird!

Melissa Hicks said...

Good grief - what other gems from the past are showing up on your RSS dear? You do know we've had a change of government and its not Bob Hawke anymore?

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