Friday 3 October 2008

IMPORTANT - Myers Briggs

OK I need some help from those of you who know me the best ...

As part of the Leadership Learning Group work that we’re doing  over the next two months at work, each leader/manager was asked to complete a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) report.

We had to do self assessment and then do the actual test.  I ended up with a discrepancy between what I thought I was and what the test results say I am.

Now the results came back this afternoon and I have to decide which category I am before Monday morning as we are doing a all day meeting on the various personality types and we have to do role plays inside and outside of our own types.

Or the official version: A briefing session on the MBTI and the range of preference types will be held on Monday 6 October 2008.  This MBTI information will help us, as a group, to understand the diverse ways that we approach our work challenges, and how we best utilise and work with this diversity of preferences.

SO (regardless whether this is a load of stereotyping hogwash or not) I need to decide on which profile I am before Monday morning so I can best participate in the activities.

Can those of you who feel you know me enough to answer, please tell me which of the two you think fits my personality.  All of it, the good, the bad, the ugly.

Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals.  Quickly see the patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives.  When committed, organize a job and carry it through.  Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance – for themselves and others.

Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact.  Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions.  Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible.  Take care of routine details.  Have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also.  Forceful in implementing their plans.

So am I ESTJ or INTJ.  I deliberately have not said which I felt I was and which the results said I was.  At  least the trainer gives us the ability to choose - she is not a slave to the test results :)

Let me know please :) :)  All opinions welcome but I understand if you feel you do not know me enough to comment :)


Denise Hicks said...

Ok, I agree that both of these results could be you, but from my perspective (Your mother) I would have to go with ESTJ.

Melissa Hicks said...

Here;s the Myers Briggs site in case anyone wants to know what this is about or to do a self-assessment for yourself :)

Mum and I just did a really basic one for her and came up with ENFJ

Warm, empathetic, responsive and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivation of others. Find potential in everyone, want to help others fulfil their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership.

Claire EJ said...

It's interesting how I see you differently to how Denise sees you but really not a surprise I suppose.
I do see you more as the INTJ. It's the one I came up as when I did these tests.
It explains a lot about how I see you when you probe deeper and don't just read the basic description.

Mariann Mäder said...

I am writing my comment before I read the others, so I won't be influenced.

From reading your blogs and the few times we talked on the phone I would say you're INTJ, but have elements of ESTJ (Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible.).

I'd still lean to INTJ more, because you're independent and skeptical and you have high standards.

Rosanne Derrett said...

From an INFP, you have strong characteristics of both types but you do lean more the the ESTJ in the workplace but INTJ out of work! For you the difference between the two types will depend on how you are at work and how you are at home but it will only take the matter of three or four questions answered differently that will tip the scale between the two (short MBTI test) as yours is quite finely balanced!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Wow! They both fit you to some extent. I would say that INTJ fits better than ESTJ.

Jodie Hill said...

INTJ, although ESTJ is really close too.

Karen R said...

Gee - I really think those two are so close, with basically the same goal; I think in your work environment, you are definitely the ESTJ - but it is all highly influenced by the INTJ. Actually, after re-reading them, I don't really see how you could have one without the other, to some degree. But I do think the ESTJ is the dominant set of characteristics... As for outside the workplace, I do think they swap - where you can let go some of the restraints of logic and see the bigger picture, so to speak, where the skepticism comes in - which could in turn drive the following workplace situations, of course.

Did that make any sense?? It sounded good in my head, but now I've thought about it too much - kinda like saying the same word over and over, until it loses all meaning....

Tracy H said...

INTJ, I think, although your are smart enought to put on the extrovert hat when the situation demands. Some of the MB generalisms carry well, but trying to boil everyone down neatly to fit into one of 16 little bins is a bit of hooey. As Karen said, we sometimes show different personality sides to our families, our friends, our work. It doesn't mean we are schizophrenic - just complex. Cheers from an INTJ.

Paula L said...

I'm thinking ESTJ

Claire EJ said...

There's a whole lot of us who are INTJ's....after all, most world leaders fit that category.
Stalin, Lenin, Churchill, to name a few.
[Mostly megalomaniacs though]

Rosanne Derrett said...

Hah! That explains a lot. I'l just stay neatly in my accurate INFP box!

Melissa Hicks said...

Why does this not surprise me .....

Melissa Hicks said...

I quite agree with you. The only reason I am going along with this is that it is being used as a workplace communication tool. To show managers and supervisors that people are not *wrong* for approaching life differently to us and how to recognise and communicate with people who have different personalities to us.

Its being used a tolerance and broadening the viewpoint type of tool. However for the purposes of role play etc I need to picjk which group I want to affiliate with on Monday.

As I told Alison this morning on the phone, I might just wait to see how the groups split up and choose whichever one needs the extra person, or which one has the people I want to spend all day with :)

Oh hang on - isn't that proving my INTJ-ness?

Karen R said...

Yeah, I think it is :)

Stephanie Flynn said...

OK so I took the Myers Briggs with my residency at our retreat last year and was surprised by the results. I was also surprised that once we actually discussed the results and did our own role playing how much more I learned about myself. So I think that perhaps you should go with what the test suggested and see what you might learn about yourself. After all, the test only tells you what you answered....and part of the purpose of the test is to perhaps show some things about yourself you didn't realize.

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