Sunday 19 October 2008

Spring Cleaning

There's something indefinable but so visceral about stripping the bed and putting away the winter doona (comforter) and pulling out the summer bedspread instead.

As you can see the supervisor and bed tester was on hand to ensure that quality standards were maintained.  I really pity those of you who don't have such QA personnel on hand!

So I got a little inspired today.  I've tidied every room in the house and cleaned the front and back yards.  Even attacked the ivy in the front yard!

About to have a late lunch and then do the floors and of course the ironing tonight (what would Sunday night be without the ironing pile ....)

Have uploaded five new pics in Trouble's album and also put up a couple of shots of the Front Yard and Back Yard.

No stitching today ....

EDITED: Trubs no longer loves this house as much as she did.  The dreaded Vacuum Cleaner Monster has found her!

I've been spot vacuuming here and there but today is the first day that I completely thoroughly vacuumed every room in the house!  Then I mopped too!

I'd better lie down until this sudden attack of cleaning passes.

Hugs all


Rosanne Derrett said...

Note to Mel - after lie down, pick up stitching. Nice and soothing. It'll rearrange your braincells into a normal pattern too!

I have the larger version of the QA inspector. Changing a bed is hard work for me, made harder by the addition of the 60lb (27kg) inspector standing on the bed while changing it! She usually manages to approve the new bedding without digging around in it to make a dog nest. Fancy swapping Trubs for Phoebe?

Shawn Medrano said...

I can't wait until the cleaning bug finds me.....I think it's scheduled to hit around the 23rd of this month. DH goes back to work; so I'll be able to get back to my routine also.

Sorry that naughty machine found Trubs......

Melissa Hicks said...

Ah no .... O think I'll be fine with mine. After all she's already up there making a nice warm spot for me - night all .....

Melissa Hicks said...

Living on my own, I know I let the house get away from me when the depression kicks in. House cleaning is a physical manifestation of my overcoming the latest bout. Well that's my story ....

Its different when you live with other people ....

Hmmm - note to self - check out house cleaning habits before agreeing to any future marriage proposals ......

Sisu Lull said...

My canine bed tester stands at the end of the bed, impatiently sighing until I complete the process. But I guess at 14, the bed is her primary location.

Claire EJ said...

I don't live on my own but would never admit to a messy house being a sign of depression...for either of us...messy? us? cluttered beyond belief? who, us? sighhhhhh

Melissa Hicks said...

I know this sounds weird - but I hate clutter. I love having lots of things (materialism girl at your service) but I like to have places to put things away - I hate having messy rooms or not being able to get to something when I want it ....

Karen R said...

I don't necessarily mind clutter, so long as it is organized - which might be something other than clutter. In this house, there's clutter everywhere, but as far as I can tell, only mine is organized - at least, I'm the only one who doesn't have to search for my things, like keys & phone & purse - assuming no one else moves it.

I used to clean for the sake of cleaning; now I clean to keep the level of toxicity down to a survivable limit. Someday, when I live by myself again....

Melissa Hicks said...

I don't think I've ever done that :) What's that like ????

Karen R said...


Claire EJ said...

So do I , but looking around, you'd never know it here.
I dream of shelving....I had my bookshelves as birthday and Christmas gifts, need more but nowhere to put them.

Need to stop collecting stash and books....badly!

Hilary Syddall said...

Sorry that "thunk" you all heard was me falling over in a dead faint!

I could have sworn that Claire said she was going to stop collecting stash!! (nah.... never happen!)

Claire EJ said...

Here's hoping you didn't hurt yourself with that one PMSL.
Erm, I said "I need to stop collecting stash" not that I will or would, but really do need to.

Hilary Syddall said...

Nope not hurt, I managed a delicate Victorian collapse onto the sofa LOL

*Phew* for one minute then I thought the world was about to end (and I still have loads of stitching to do!)

Claire EJ said...

Silly girl, you did make me giggle though.

Mariann Mäder said...

I prefer my kitty watch, I have to say! Minou is usually nowhere to be seen but Söckli can't resist coming in when I'm changing the bed. Jumps away at the slightest movement though, so no problem with weight on the bed. I think I'd have to do it behind closed doors if she were worse :-)

Mariann Mäder said...

Me, probably :-)

I'm dreading only one thing when Mel and Denise come here next year - should give the flat a good cleaning! And I don't claim depressions or anything, I simply *hate* to clean! Will do it only when I start feeling uncomfortable. Unfortunately I have a very high level of tolerance in that regard.... sigh

Mariann Mäder said...

I also keep the basic things exactly where I need them! The rucksack and keys go to the very same spot every day so I don't even have to think about them. If my keys aren't at the door (when I'm home my door stays unlocked, we keep the entrance to the communal staircase locked all the time) I start to slightly panic. They will always go in the same slot in the rucksack as well. No phone.

Yep - keeping my flat clean enough to be sanitary, cluttered enough to be home.

Melissa Hicks said...

That's pretty much the default here too. But I do have to admit I am guilty of thoughtlessly leaving things on the first available surface and then not being able to find them.

Each night before bed I "find" my keys, wallet, work pass etc and make sure they are in my bag before I go to bed.

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