Thursday 22 May 2008

How to start rumours at work ...

Completely tidy your desk for the first time this year .....


Mariann Mäder said...

LOL - that would give the rumour mill a good boost :-)

Vamp Pam said...

I would... but I can't see my desk under all the rubbish.....

Hilary Syddall said...

LOL - how many people HAVE come up and asked when you are leaving?

Shawn Medrano said...

Hmmmm; that's when my DH asks if I'm sick. lol

Paula Hubert said...

It doesn't necessarily start rumors, but it does usually make my boss nervous! :) Especially when it happens on a day that he KNOWS isn't going well!

Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

To bad this wouldn't work for me - I clean it to the point of nothing on it every other day.

Rosanne Derrett said...

Peoplr look at me nervously when I do this. My desk is renowned for being a complete tip, but I can normally find things!

Karen R said...

I like to leave mine semi-crappy because it drives the neat-freak across the hall batty! But, we both have a nemesis in our hall; our purchasing person has the worst office I have ever seen in my life; there's paper everywhere, boxes, food - open and not. The boss once brought a visitor in there, and in his very English dry wit, told the visitor not to disturb anything, Jimmy Hoffa was in there somewhere :) I once walked past her car, which had an odor coming from it that was mildly nauseating, and there were papers and junk and fast food trash stacked up on the passenger side to the window -literally the entire side of the car to the window. And then she wonders why she can never get caught up.... I'll have to take a pic the next time I have my camera in here. Now, if she cleaned her desk, that would cause some major concern - end-of-days kind of concern.

Melissa Hicks said...

My workspace has always been very hygenic! No food wrappers, just piles of books awaiting my attention. We started three new staff and upgraded two staff over the Christmas break, so naturally I have tyo check all of their cataloguing and decisions on what to toss out, what to replace etc. Slowly as they learn more, I'm giving them more autonomy until finally I'm only checking about 60 books a day (their respective two hard baskets) and so I finally got caught up on that and all my own work yesterday.

However my supervisor, due to constantly stabbing me in the back is being moved for six months to a "special project" on another floor of the building. He leaves next Friday.

All the rumours were:
a. I was going with him
b. I was going instead of him
c. I was preparing to move into his office as soon as he was gone.

Hilary Syddall said...

Hmm is this the same supervisor that left you high and dry a few days back? If so - why on EARTH would they think you would still work with him? (Oh and are you getting his office?)

Melissa Hicks said...

Because I need my paycheck and yes he leaves me high and dry regularly - that's WHY he's being shunted sideways for six months!

No - his office will remain empty. I will report straight to the director. Which means if my arsehole staff (the three major agitators anyway) want to go around me, they have no choice but to go straight to the director.

And SHE is the only person in our department who has a bigger set of balls than me. She'll bust their asses for going around me. Hopefully we'll have at least one of them quit or fired by December.

Karen R said...

Not sure what "Special Projects" means in a Uni library, but around here, it means one of two things - you are on your way out, but haven't "technically" done anything wrong enough to get fired for, so the hope is, if they dump enough crap on you, you'll take the hint; or b) no one really knows what you do, but whatever it is, it takes the areas that are sucking and makes them better, even if temporarily - long enough for some other area to go to hell, thus requiring a transfer of that Special Projects person :)

Sure hope it means the first one in your particular case!

kay jones said...

Now thats the sort of work ethic I love to hear. Although I would never wish to go back to the 1960/70s and the way that workers were treated then the one good thing about those days was that you could sack ANYONE at a minutes notice if they weren't up to the mark. (and believe me they did that many many times, but not to me:))

Hilary Syddall said...

Hmm sounds like you are FINALLY going to be able to do the job they brought you in to do - GO GOTHY!!!!!!!

Rachel Cox said...

They would phone the doctor if I tidied ANYTHING!

Claire EJ said...

Completely tidy? you mean there's wood under all that trash?

Melissa Hicks said...

Laminate - yep. And the cleaner actually spritzed it with cleaner and ran a cloth over it before I got in - its clean as well as tidy.

Claire EJ said...

I'd have to do something about that...all that empty space...creepy LOL...

Rachel Cox said...

Amazing great feeling tidy desk people will never understand!

Melissa Hicks said...

Karen - its a bit of both. He's been given the "task" of cleaning up the database for transferal to a new system. That's the official story.

In reality its getting him the fuck out of the way before the director and I both string him up and play pinata with him.

Please they know its him or me and if I leave they wont get another person to get these freaks sacked.

Melissa Hicks said...

it reminds me of the insides of some staff members' heads .....

Claire EJ said...

Almost makes me want to ask how prgenant chick is doing, but that would imply I care about her health which I really don't....

Melissa Hicks said...

She just walked in the door :( Someone else was of course carrying her handbag for her .....

Claire EJ said...

how tweet...surely even pregnant people can manage to carry their own shit....ahem, handbag that is

Melissa Hicks said...

The stupid bitch can't even carry a single book - let alone sit at her desk and actually *gasp* do work.

Nah she spends all day swanning around, sighing and taking men up on their offers of getting her cups of tea, and doing her work for her.

she's only four months pregnant and so fat that you seriously cannot see a baby bump yet.

Me annoyed and livid - my OATH !!!!

Jealous - not on your life.

Claire EJ said...

I bet yer annoyed...I'd be spitting chips by now..

Jealous, wow, even I am not jealous. My hormones must have finally settled down. Only took seven months!

Annoying how it's a great excuse to be lazy

Melissa Hicks said...

She's always been lazy - work is just a different setting in which to conduct your social life don't you know ???

and being pregnant? Well what can we say, best trick EVAH to being constant centre of attention - pity that all changes once the baby actually comes out .....

Claire EJ said...

Sigh. So this gives her the perfect outlet to not bother to work at all now...

Can you [in sneaky and devious boss mode] just somehow offload her work onto the others and then when they moan about work levels, just point in her direction?

Melissa Hicks said...

Nope because then I'm being mean to the perfect pregnant woman .....

Ah I'm just winging now - off to actually get some work done for the day ....

Claire EJ said...

Nah, you're not being mean, after all, you would have taken all the work from her and doled it out between the rest of them...your generosity to her would be their loss,..see, sneaky and devious.

Have a good day, love.

Mariann Mäder said...

I like the sound of her :-)

That would be one of them down... good luck on that one!

Mariann Mäder said...

You look into their eyes and you see clear through to the back of their heads and far beyond?

Mariann Mäder said...

Evelyn Ashford ran her world record over 100 m when she was in her third month

Karen R said...

I worked on the assembly line and was a group leader - which means carrying shit around for the people in my group - up until 4 days before both of mine were born. People would offer to help me - except DH, whom I worked with, the wanker - and I'd tell them I'd let them know if I needed help. I was actually kinda surprised the kids didn't have dents in their heads from me resting bins of cables on them as I was carrying them. And both times, I still got awards for having the highest production. But that's mainly because I kick ass :) I did once let a nice man push my full shopping cart to my car - it was uphill, and in those last couple of weeks, you pretty much have to pee every 20 minutes, since a kid's using your bladder as a trampoline - I wasn't taking any chances, and I had to unload it all into the trunk....

Wish her lots and lots of stretch marks :) I don't have those, either hehehe

Karen R said...

And hear the rushing wind??

Melissa Hicks said...

Evelyn Ashford wasn't 5' 3" and over 320 pounds ....

I seriously wonder if she can physically bring this baby to full term .....

Melissa Hicks said...

Sit the three of them side by side and you have a wind tunnel of pure negativity.

Mariann Mäder said...

Are all three females?

I had a friend who did have a baby being about that size - maybe not quite 320 pounds, but certainly close to 250. Tell me how she could even conceive at that kind of weight??? Usually heavy people like that have to be given hormones in high doses to even get pregnant.

Sounds like a very unpleasant future mother. I bet that *her* kid is going to be one of those "little angels, who could do no harm to anyone or anything"...

She might be off your back at some point when she goes to maternity leave, Mel

Melissa Hicks said...

Hey Mariann, no the biggest arsehole is a misogynistic male ..... no woman can tell him what to do!

And yes she will be on maternity leave from November sometime ....

One down two to go. And I have to make it through to November.

Or not.

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