Sunday 4 May 2008

Weekly Recap ....

Well what a week! Got the results of my allergy tests back on Monday. I am *allergic* to:

* Wheat
* Peanuts
* Bahia Grass

Hmmm Wikipedia suggests that wheat can be a respiratory allergy - who knew ???? Also that if you an allergy to one type of cereal you may have respiratory allergies to other cereals and grasses - which could explain the bahia grass ??? Hmm - will have to visit my local library and find out more information.

I have to remove wheat and peanuts completely from my diet for the next month and see if that makes any difference to my sinus issues or my general well being.

I also had a blood test on Monday for Coeliac's Disease. Mum is allergic to wheat *and* a Coeliac - I need to know if I have both or if one is masking the issues with the other. As I've been eating a gluten-free diet for many years, the results will be unfortunately ambiguous at best.

Wednesday I got my flu injection for this year. Everything was fine on the day and they gave us lollipops. Friday Saturday and today, that part of my arm has become very tender and sensitive - hopefully this will wear off soon.

Thursday night I got more root canal work done. Hopefully this is now the end of it. Just need to wait a month for everything to calm down and settle in place and then I get a crown over the top. And then it will be finished - except for the financial paying of it - that will be ongoing.

So lots of health issues this week. One thing I did notice is my general mental health. After getting the preliminary results last week of my allergy tests I immediately went peanut free and was a little more careful with checking items were wheat free as well as gluten free. I don't know if its related or merely a placebo effect but I've been much calmer this week. Things at work are still crappy but I'm handling them much better, I'm not getting depressed about it as I have been lately.

This is a good thing.

In other news I stitched this cute little design while commuting this week. It seems to sum up my thoughts on work right now .....


Laura Landis said...

Sounds like an interesting week, Mel. I've been diagnosed with indoor allergies -- dust mites and the like. The funny thing is, my allergies are at their worst during the warmest part of our year, from the end of May until the first frost hits sometime in September. Good luck with getting it all figured out.

Love Daydream -- such a sweet little design! Congrats on the finish!!

Sisu Lull said...

I have a ton of allergies but only one food sensitivity. And it is not a true allergy, I must just limit myself on it, so I can't imagine a strict wheat free diet. Good thoughts and hugs coming your way Mel.

Hilary Syddall said...

Cute design! I'm glad that with everything else happening you managed to get some stitching done!

Rachel Cox said...

The week appears healthy!

kay jones said...

Surprisingly a wheat free diet can do wonders for your health. I went on one some years ago and I felt fantastic. My migraines disappeared and I had SO MUCH energy. Unfortunately the down side is that wheat tends to be present in so much food.. and I just didn't have the time then (with 6 kids) to persevere. Good luck with your blood results. The stitched piece is very cute. Good work

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