Thursday 8 May 2008


We are having the Pope visit in July. 

Its part of International Youth Week.

The mian site of events is right next door to my work.

There will be security cordons, check points and goodness knows what between home and work.  In fact all of the celebrations will be held between my home and my work.

So work has told us to take Annual Leave and don't bother coming to work that week.

I'm taking the opportunity to skip town :)

I *just* booked my tickets to visit the other side of the country for the very first time.

I arrive in Perth 1pm Sunday 13 July.
I leave Perth 1pm Monday 21 July.

I know Stephen will be working during the weekdays but we will have the nights and one weekend together.  He's already told me of at least one outing he has planned ....

My friend Alison was raised in and around Perth and has listed some noteworthy sites for me to visit such as the Fremantle markets, the Museum of Modern Art etc ....

She's also going to look after Trubby for me for the week too ....

This is giving me something to look forward to and can help get me through the next couple of months at work.


Claire EJ said...

Shame they can't makle it a week where you don't have to take it as holiday...should be free time paid for by them for the sheer inconvenience [grins]...but, how fab to know you have a week off planned to look fwd to:)

Trubs will have a great time with Alison too. Will be interesting for her to re-meet the new and improved Lothario. You are lucky to have Alison as a friend:)

Melissa Hicks said...

Very lucky !!! But I think she and one of the dogs are moving in here for a few nights so her daughter can have friends over at her place ....

Karen R said...

Well, have a wonderful time - I am sure you will!!! At least it's nice that work would understand what a huge hassle it's going to be, and the best thing is just to not be there, adding to the confusion. Every time a president comes to this town, it's a logistical nightmare. Fortunately, since I'm out here on the edge, I miss most of it.

Mariann Mäder said...

Good that you're out of town. You don't really want to get anywhere near that old Nazi buddy. He's a terrible old man and much, much worse than Wojtyla ever was. But that would be because Ratzinger has formed everything that Wojtyla was...

I hope you get to spend the best of time with Stephen. And you deserve to be friends with Alison. She sounds like a wonderful person!

Natalie Mikesell said...

Yeah!!! That sounds like fun :)

Sisu Lull said...

Sounds like a fun trip! You need to get away once in a while. I am am glad that your employer realizes what a hassle it would be and doesn't expect all their employees to battle that mob for a week.
Did Alison direct you to any cross stitch shops in Perth? LOL.

Jodie Hill said...

How exciting!!! A week off and a great trip to look forward to!!! We're getting the Republican National Convention in September - it's two blocks from DH's work and they've told no one what's going to happen as far as security. Our mgmt at work was told at one time the hospital in St Paul would be diverting all their patients to our hospital so they could be on standby for the convention - thankfully I'm quitting the week before this all happens! DH hasn't a clue if they will be expected to take vacation time during this or if he's going to be expected to work from home.

Paula Hubert said...

Oh - it sounds like a lovely trip - things to amuse you during the day and then time with S evenings and a weekend! And the bonus of missing the insanity near your job! :)

One of the most beautiful things about living where I do is that we're far enough out of NYC that we're never impacted by such things. (The Pope was here a couple of weeks ago..)

Claire EJ said...

Good question

Melissa Hicks said...

I don't think Alison would even know - I could look up the local yellow pages when I get there :) :)

Melissa Hicks said...

That's the entirety of the plan !!!!

Mariann Mäder said...

Actually, check if Janine of Colours Down Under would have a little shop now. I think she's only online though... I'll give you her e-mail address. Say you're a friend of mine - she's an old friend who's also on my little Stitchcircle list.

Melissa Hicks said...

I know Janine - I've bought stock through her. I knew she was in WA but didn't think she was actually in Perth itself .....

I'll email her and ask .....

Nancy Murdock said...

Sounds like a great week away and at a great time. Missing all the security issues! Good for you!

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