Saturday 31 May 2008

I'm stunned!

Where there goes my reputation - I just proved today that I really would *not* run over a toddler simply to get the last carpark.

In all seriousness, I can't believe this just happened.

I just went for a quick drive down to the local super-mall to get a couple of odds and sods and was winding my way through my usual parking lot and right up the back I thought I'd finally found a park.

Right in the middle of the designated parking spot stood a toddler.  No adults around.  I stopped my car and wound down the window, and heard a woman voice saying "Just stay there honey.  Stay there.  Don't let any cars into daddy's spot."

I kid you not, there was a woman standing about three rows back cajoling the child not to move, so the baby's daddy (who I assume was in the queue behind me somewhere) could park his car there.

I looked at the toddler - he couldn't have been more than 3 years old.  The toddler looked at me, abruptly sat down (the way kids do) and started bawling.

I got out of there and went to a completely different parking area over the other side of the complex ......

As I was driving away I could see cars behind me stopping or starting to swing into the parking area and then swing back out again.

Obviously this tactic works .....

I'm not going to rant about everybody's right to breed - most of you have heard that from me already.  And I suppose I should not be surprised at what some people will risk the lives of their children for ....

But I am. I'm stunned.


Claire EJ said...

Blimey....people really are insane. What if someone had swung in and not reacted fast enough....eep! nasty...You have to wonder why the woman was standing so far away from the that age, you stand right by them with their hand i yours and you damn well protect them...Sheesh, I keep seeing lioness tendencies coming out in me.. PMSL

Karen R said...

Nice! That's some quality parenting there! It's true - stupid people breed faster....

Claire EJ said...

They should have their tubes tied and the men, instant vasectomy by a glare!

Melissa Hicks said...

hmm - life of a child vs a parking spot for daddy. Yup - obvious answer there I would have thought ....

Melissa Hicks said...

Ooooh now imagine *that* as a super power :) :) )

Donna Williams said...

I'm not the least bit surprised, Mel. I see Charity (one of the young Mothers at work) telling her daughter to pull her shirt down so no belly shows, but at the same time, you have Charity wearing low-slung jeans with teeny tank tops.

I haven't seen anything quite so blatant here, but it's probably because I just haven't been in the right spot. LOL

Mariann Mäder said...

Geeeee! I agree with Karen - stupid people breed faster (and more frequently) than others. Reminds me of the time when I walked from my former flat to my parents' house and a car passed me - drove fairly slowly, because it was a small road, but then I looked as it passed and couldn't believe that a father at the wheel allowed his little son (I think the kid was somewhere between 8 and 10) to hold the wheel from the back seat!!!!!! Same kind of arrogance and stupidity.

That woman on the parking spot should have been taken out, stood on the market square with a sign saying: Beware, dangerous and irresponsable mother!

Stephen Silk said...

Vasectomy via weed whacker...

Claire EJ said...

have you read The Fog, James Herbert? Do I need to say Garden Shears?

Sisu Lull said...

I have a saying that I use all the time, and still believe.
"Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed"
A couple weekenders here on the lake wanted to all go for a boat ride, but the baby was sleeping. So they decided it would be a good idea to leave a 4 year old behind, by himself, to watch the baby. He burned the house down. By some miracle, he was smarter than the dolts who left him there and had the presence of mind to get the baby out, but had no idea what 911 was, so the house burned to the ground.

Lyne-Elizabeth Blodgett said...

Oh my goodness is all I can say

Hilary Syddall said...

Sheesh - I almost wish you had run the kid over - can you imagine what the Police would have said to the parents!

Tina Starke said...

Mel, I would have swung over to the nearest police officer and reported that woman! Indeed, what if someone with not-so-fast reflexes had moved into that parking space and not seen the child? You bet SHE would have called the police and blamed the driver!

Jodie Hill said...

Oh, you were nice not to say anything... I would have been out of the car - blocking traffic and screaming at the woman to get her #$*&#$ you know what over there... AND calling 911 at the same time to report her!! That the parents were that stupid to risk their child's life... well, obviously they must have thought if nothing else they could always make another kid to replace the one squashed... YIKES!!!

Lori M. said...

I can't believe the audacity of some people! To risk their child's life for a parking spot!

Rosanne Derrett said...

Yup, pond life breeds faster. I live on a the edge of a rundown estate and some of the theings you see here are equal to Mel's experience. Best one I've seen recently is a poster from two kids advertising a dog walking service giving both names and mobile numbers for the children, both of whom I know to be pre-teen and irresponsible. FFS, I almost rang the police as this would lay the children open to an approach by a paedophile of which several live on the estate! The mother of one of the girls concerned uses her daughter to gain access to others houses and then robs the householder a bit at a time. Sheesh, I'm glad the pond life is not just in the UK!

Rachel Cox said...

I am flabergasted! OMG I teach my kids to not stand in the road! I would perfer not to see them hit. Oh what if the car that ran into mine today had been parking - blooming heck

Mariann Mäder said...

Yikes, indeed! But - as horrible as it sounds, back in the 70s when I did my commercial apprenticeship in an international moving company, we had one driver who regularly drove the route from Switzerland through the Balkan and Turkey to Tehran in Iran. He told me that if you accidentally killed a child in Anatolia you'd never hear a thing, but accidentally kill a sheep or a goat - then better hit the throttle and get out of there faster than you can think or you'd be toast.

Such was the value of a child - could always be reproduced.

Horrible thought...

Jennie Stuart said...

I don't know what to say, but OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNREAL!

Anita B said...

Oh, Good Grief!!! That is too stunning for words!

Julie Nemitz said...

What a horrible thing to do to a child. Here in the states I'd have called 911 on the mother for endangering her child's life like that.

Nancy Murdock said...

She should be arrested for child abuse.

Melissa Hicks said...

You know I never thought of this.

I was going to call security - but I figured by the time I found another parking spot and then told security and then got them to believe me and then drag their lazy butts all the way down to the carpark .... then daddy would have parked and they would be nowhere in sight .....

Paula Hubert said...

Right - but depending on their thoughts in the whole thing; you could show them the spot, they could check on the registration of the car (I'm thinking there must be some central record similar to ours) and at least speak to the parents....

Of course, there's also the possibility that you would get someone who does mall security because it's a job that allows for them to sit around on their lazy butts....

Melissa Hicks said...

You mean there's another kind ????

Paula Hubert said...

Very rarely... but I think I've run into two in my lifetime... oddly enough, the job was a stop gap thing for both of them until they found something else...

Karen R said...

Actually, at the mall closest to me, they have the mall rent-a-cops, and then on Friday and Saturday nights, they actually have real cops on patrol, too, because of the gangs and such in the area. One of the 15 yo's friends' parents are both on mall duty each weekend. It's a second gig, not paid through their department, but through the mall.

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