Thursday 28 December 2006

I'm peeved !!!

I'm beyond peeved! I'm downright frustrated and furious !!!!!!

I can't get Pay TV !! Four weeks after I signed up and checked it all out and was assured that they put the satellites on pole homes all the time, they know my street and I'm in a great area for it, the installation guy comes out - spends 1 minute looking at my house, says "sorry you can't get a signal here, I'll tell the office!"

Apparently the satellite these guys use is near the horizon - so I have too many trees in the way! Trees in the way of a satellite signal ??????? I live on the edge of a goddamn nature reserve!! I told them this at the time !!! The installation guys says "oh yes this area is notorious - I don't know why they keep signing you guys up - you can't get a signal here".

OK what about cable in a few years??? Nope - never! Your Local Council has banned the telecommunications companies from laying cable in your city.

Guess what this means??? Not only no pay TV ever! But also no broadband ever! No sat signal, I'm in a black spot area for the wireless towers and the telephone lines in this suburb are old and crappy.

I can never get a good TV signal - I can never get digital TV - I can never get any form of Internet access except dial-up.

I'm beyond peeved! I ate my one and only Christmas chocolate.


Denise Hicks said...

It sounds like you will have to go back to reading books , doing LOTS of stitching and watching video's for entertainment.

Natalie Mikesell said...

And maybe after enough people get angry, the Local Council will be influenced to change their bann of telecommunications companies from laying cable. {{hugs}} hope the chocolate was good.

Marc Davis said...

Before totally believing in the Satellite man check with any "local" cable company if there is one around and ask for the true "poop" on that statement about NO cable in area....WHERE in blazes to you live anyway....

Melissa Hicks said...

HI all - thank you mum! I watched Midsomer Murders while stitching this evening - not my first choice of entertainment!!!

Nate and Marc - they *are* the local cable company! We only have one! its called a monopoly - that's what happens when you live in a backwater country called Australia!

I also happen to work for the local Council so I'll give them a call tomorrow and double check the info this guy told me about cable. And if it is true petrhaps I can find out why? However as my local council is seriously reported in federal government papers as being the most corrupt local council in Australia - then there may not be a why other than one of the mayors best mates is investing in the sat company .....

Yes I'm still peeved ..... ut I'm not down and out altogether - if I can get something in writing that I cannot get cable or phone broadband, then I might qualify for a government incentive scheme for sat broadband - uses a different satellite and I might be able to use this one - only major problem is that I rent and my owner was very nervous about putting in the 50 cm dish for the TV. She is *certain* to say a complete no to a 1.5 *metre* dish for the sat internet ......

I love my house but I just may have to move anyway .......

Claire EJ said...

Yikes, you only just moved in a few weeks ago! Nooooo....
I'm so sorry you've been messed around with everything, sigh.
Did you eat Freddo head first?? It's the best way.
Loving that your Mum now has her own Multiply. I'm hoping for regular grandson pictures and stitching updates.

Claire EJ said...

Oh and ps, love the new background...and that you have more of a title than just "M"...LOL

Paula Hubert said...

{{{{Mel}}}} What a circus!! It sounds like the sales people are getting commission on the sales they take rather than the customers who actually get installed! (Oh, sorry, that was my cable background peeping through.) I hope you get a better answer than "because we said so" from the Council....

Melissa Hicks said...

Yes well I was sooo peeved I instigated a formal investigation regarding this particular salesperson !!! She didn't just give me vague assurances, she said she knew my street, she knew my location and she was 100% certain there would be *no* problems! That's what peeves me the most - I was given a verbal personal guarantee! That's why I have instigated the investigation. At the very least she will also be stripped of her commission and be financially penalised for selling it to me in the first place. She also needs to provide a written "please explain" to the company and if she gets too many of these, then she will lose her job.

I work in customer service, I know how difficult it can be, I also know you don't give ironclad assurances unless you are 100% certain of your facts! Especially if your customers are going to be looking forward with eager anticipation for four weeks before installation !!!!

Melissa Hicks said...

Well the full title interfered with the graphics of the last background :) And although I flippantly titled this page Ramblings and Rantings, I honestly didn't expect to be ranting sooo soon !!!!

Claire EJ said...

poor love......rants do help though,.....I'm so sorry you've been messed around so much. You need someone to send the boys in for we know anyone?

Melissa Hicks said...

{LOL} I mentioned to mum on the phone last night that I should invite a guy over to shag me senseless for a couple of hours to get mind off it - but I didn't know any :)

And Gina's Cabana boys are about as likely to arrive here as the Pay TV or the Broadband :)

Claire EJ said...

Yeah, Cabana Boys seem to be hogged by a certain Floridian. She says she mails them to people but I don't believe that any more LOL.

Diane Call said...

I got caught out last week by Steve's Mum wanting to know if I knew what "a friend with benefits" meant. She took great delight in explaining it to me so I could keep up with the latest slang.

Melissa Hicks said...

Friends with benefits ??? Gotta admit I haven't heard that one before - so it is ???

Diane Call said...

Bonk buddies

Paula Hubert said...

LOL Love the Bonk buddies terms.. but don't feel bad, the first time I heard "friends with benefits", I had to have my sister confirm that her work study student meant what I *thought* it meant! Made me feel quite ancient for a few minutes...

Melissa Hicks said...

Hmm - I like the idea - be a good friend and send me one will you ??? DK? Claire? Mum? Anyone???

Hey I trust your tastes for me .......

Claire EJ said...

hmmmm.....where to find one......

Paula Hubert said...

hmmm... I'm sure I could find several willing participants, but most of them wouldn't be good enough for Mel!

Melissa Hicks said...

{LOL} You would be surprised how often I hear that :) :) :) :)

Paula Hubert said...

Seriously - it seems that at this point, the guys that I know who are available for any sort of relationship are either still slogging around a ton of baggage from a divorce or still single because they behave so badly that they'll never have a good relationship (even friends with priveleges!) until they grow up a whole lot more!

Hmmm... too bad you're all the way in Oz... now that I think about it, I'd love to introduce you to my BIL!

Melissa Hicks said...

Brother in law ????? Umm Paula I prefer partners without attachments even "friends with privileges" I don't break into anyone else's monogamous relationships ....

As for the others - well yeah I can find enough of *those* around here :) :) :)

Paula Hubert said...

Oh - my mistake, Mel - I meant J's brother! Wouldn't do that to my sister even if I thought that *that* BIL was the type. (I already promised him when he told me that they were getting engaged that if he hurt my sister because he was a jerk, he wouldn't survive it! {wink}). BIL Rich is a teddy bear, and a really great guy. No current girlfriend, either....

Claire EJ said...

So Paula, are you sending him to Australia or inviting Mel to NYstate?

Paula Hubert said...

He'd probably love to go to Australia, but the selfish part of me says to have Mel come over! And stop and pick you up along the way.... {VBG}

Melissa Hicks said...

HA! Given *my* current finances - you're bringing him to me baby :) :)

Of course I have heaps of stash you might want to fondle and plenty of tourist areas to keep you both amused :)

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