Tuesday 19 December 2006

What a tiring day

Well what can I say - today was supposed to be my last day of work before the holidays. Woke up feeling blah from my "monthlies" God I hate euphemisms. Felt really off-colour and called in sick to work and made a doctors appointment. Had breakfast, showered and got stuck into the craft room. Spent the next 5 or so hours curled up on the lounge in a fetal position wishing I could vomit. Thinking Oh God do I have appendicitis!

Nope. According to the doc I have either a viral intestinal bug that's going around or a mild case of food poisoning. But the symptoms of course were exacerbated by similar symptoms occurring simply because I am of the female gender - coincidence - just very very bad timing.

I hate it when Loki laughs at me !!!!

All in all not a good day. Oh late this afternoon after the docs appointment, I went to get Meowy Christmas back from the framers but they had screwed it up. didn't use a spacer and the fabric was pressed against the glass with the area with the beads dimpled inwards crushing the backing board. I explained what I wanted and they promised to fix it. Surprised me that they didn't automatically understand this as they assured me they regularly frame lots of cross stitch and tapestries! We will see - its a new framer for me and I think I might be continuing to go to my current one even though he's now a pain to get to and slow !!!

Tonight I gave up on the world and sat and stitched. Started Lives Chat Rouge - details in next blog post. Its now 11:30pm and the very old Invaders From Mars movie has just started - I soooo *love* old 1940s and 50s sci-fi and horror movies !!! But I'm tired - going to bed and sleeping off today's illness as soon as these pics load up.

Oh other news I learned today:
Definitely no broadband! None - never. The cable coming out from the exchange is substandard. And Telstra does not have it on their list of priorities - General feeling is that they will never upgrade the line until they are forced to by an act of nature (ie earthquake).

Went past the post office today .... it was empty :( :( Well at least there were no bills - that's a good thing).. I already know exactly how much I have to pay out of tomorrows pay packet on bills. Its going to be a tight budget between now and late January ....

hugs all and goodnight shortly


Gina Martin said...

Soory to hear you've been ill. Nothing worse that getting hit with a nasty bug while having your monthlies. I hope you are feeling better soon!

Paula Hubert said...

UGH!! Lots of sympathy for ya, woman! It seems that that's the only time I get sick in any way, too... which makes everything SO much more fun (not!). Hope tomorrow's a better day for you..

Melissa Hicks said...

Thank you ladies! I'm still tired and not wanting to eat anything - oh well off to the Post Office shortly to see if the mail man has been nice to me ... if I get there before 9am the parking is sooo much easier :)

I'm planning a quiet blah day - maybe running the vaccuum around and mopping the floors before mum's visit - but that's all ..... she can take the house as it is - as I keep reminding myself, she's visiting me not the house :)

Donna Williams said...

I'm a couple of days late, so I hope you are feeling better by now. Between work and my own stupidity, I can relate. Worked one pm shift by myself, then last night when I got home, it had been raining all day and one of the neighborhood dogs spooked me, causing me to to twist and step in a hole, or depression in the yard and down I went. It's not a pretty sight when large women with bad backs fall. I could barely move when I got up this morning. Ah well.. hope you are feeling better, at any rate!

Paula Hubert said...

ACK!! Been fighting spasms in my own back this week.. had to give up ambulance duty last night because I couldn't lift my laptop bag, forget having to lift someone on a stretcher! Hope some heat and Ibuprofen help!

Melissa Hicks said...

Oh ladies !!!!!! Oh my - are you both feeling a little better today ??? Rest, relax and keep warm :) Do some stress-free stitching it will help - trust me on this !!!!

Claire EJ said...

I'm cheating this month. It's either take another packet of pills or have a period for Christmas. I know which I'm doing starting this morning......{{{Paula and Teegs}}} And Mel of course :)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooooh BIG BIG HUGS to all three of you !!!!

Paula Hubert said...

Big hugs back - I'm definitely feeling better, and hopefully tonight will get some "stress free" stitching in. The last bead was put in Jingle Bell Tree Farm for my aunt and uncle at 12:17 am yesterday morning - I knew I'd finish, but it wasn't completely relaxing! (And would you believe I didn't get a pic of it before I gave it to them last night?)

Melissa Hicks said...

Oooh yeah I've done that - I've finally received pics of Mayet framed now - and I took a pic of Iuaa framed *after* mum had unwrapped him! Both pics are now happily sitting in my finished album :)

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