Monday 17 November 2008

Curse of the Missing Floss

Not only did I have to wait nearly a week for a missing thread to turn up for Project 2 .... now I've just run out of DMC 3371 for project 3.

Hopefully I'll be able to pick some up on the way home from work on Thursday.


Karen R said...

Well, this looks fantastic, so far! If you weren't on a time limit, you'd have all the floss you need, and more; I know, that's how my luck runs, too :)

Lori M. said...

Great job so far Mel! I hope that you get that additional floss really soon.

Rosanne Derrett said...

Why is it that this exactly the same colour that I keep running out of on projects? I've robbed out two kits to keep stitching with 3371. Reminder to self to get more 3371 on next Sew and So order.

Jodie Hill said...

I'm having that same problem with the project I'm working on, although now I've run out of DMC 3820. Hope you get thread soon, can't wait to see this finished!!!

Hilary Syddall said...

I hope you can pick some up quickly Mel, do you have a musical score behind the head on this one?

Paula Hubert said...

ARGH! I hope you can pick some up easily and get finished! I had the same issue with beads yesterday - I came up 18 short! And I was using delicas which means I have to order them from somewhere other than my LNS... hopefully they'll arrive soon.

Melissa Hicks said...

That's my problem Rosenne, I've already scoured other kits for all the DMC3371 for this one. Of course the lighter thread, that I only needed a smidgen of, I had two full skeins !!!!

Hilary - no musical score - just to finish off his hair on the left hand corner and he is done. He is in the same set as Mozart here:

I'm out of the office at work in all day meetings for the rest of the week (you know the sort where they bring in lunch so you can keep going) so Thursday night, late night shopping it is ....

Good luck with everyone else that's run out of things - its like an attack of the frogs - I'm sad to see I'm not alone :(

Mariann Mäder said...

Looks great so far, but there's a mistake, love! He's called GiuseppE Verdi.... not GiuseppI :-)

Hope you get some more of it quick!

Melissa Hicks said...

Good call Mariann - irs a mistake in the chart.

Now can I make the e fit or do I need to move the whole name across a bit to the left ....

Hilary Syddall said...

I think you can make the E fit

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm about to find out - I bought the thread on the way to a meeting this morning.

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