Monday 3 November 2008

You've been tagged

Each blogger starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves (current).
Bloggers who are tagged need to blog about their own 10 random facts/habits.
At the end of your blog, tag 10 people and list their names.
Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them that they've been tagged and to read your blog .....

1. I'm scared stupid at the thought of sharing my house.  To the point where I'm having nightmares about it.
2. I impulse buy on Amazon sales and xstitch sales and then have no money left for food.
3. I DETEST owing money to family or friends.  I detest giving anybody the opportunity to try to guilt-trip me.
4. Chocolate is my comfort food and my addiction.  I eat it daily.
5. I decided when I was 5 years old that I would never have kids.  I haven't wavered from that in the 30 plus years since.
6. I've been a supervisor/team leader/Manager at work for over 10 years in various organisations. I still get knots in my stomach dealing with people and would prefer to work on my own.
7. I will be devastated when Trouble dies of old age.  I check on her every time I wake up during the night to make sure she is still with me and still breathing.
8. I suffer from depression and mild anxiety.  I have every since puberty.  I have only gotten close to actually committing suicide once.
9. I suffer incredible amounts of low self-esteem and really don't understand why people put up with me.
10 I cherish each and every one of my friends of family who can know these these things about me and still want to talk to me anyway :)

Hmm - well that ended up being more depressing than anything else - oh well. No point tagging - everyone in my network has probably already been tagged anyway.  Time to go read what other people have written - thanks Jim for the exercise :)


Sisu Lull said...

OK, so the list was a bit depressing, but your being awfully one sided. So here is the Mel list that Mel might not know. Blog-jack intended.
1. Mel is very intelligent and like intelligent people tends to fret over the little things that aren't so perfect instead of seeing the whole picture.
2. Mel tends to focus on her mistakes (few) rather than her successes (many) and forgets how far she has come on her own.
3. Mel has a wicked sense of humor that is appreciated more than she knows.
4. Mel doesn't believe that we don't 'put up with her' but rather we look forward to hearing from her and would miss her terribly if she wasn't around.
5. Mel calls herself a coward whenever something scares her, but no coward I know would pack herself up and move across country alone.
6. Mel is generous to a fault. I bet half of her self confessed impulse buys are for other people.
7. Mel isn't afraid to care about people she has never seen face to face.
8. Mel needs to stop listening to her inner voice that makes her believe she is so flawed and start listening to her mum, friends and her beloved who know better.
9. Mel is like the sister I never had.
10. Mel is my friend.

Melissa Hicks said...

I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face.

Thanks Sisu - I guess that's just what I needed to hear.

I posted that early this morning before I realized that depression had hit me hard today.

I've had rough couple of days (see next blog post) and a lot of insecurities and anxieties raised their ugly heads in the wee hours of pre-dawn today.

I'll post a better me list in a few days when I recover my balance.

THANK YOU SO MUCH SISU. I really didn't know how much I needed a kind word tonight. And you are (as always) kindness personified!

Claire EJ said...

Everything, absolutely everything that Sisu said is how I feel about you, Mel!

My life is so much better for having you in it.

Hilary Syddall said...

Well said Sisu! I don't think I could have said anything so good about Mel (however much I think it!)

Karen R said...

Yes, what Sisu said!

kay jones said...

Good work Sisu, you put it far better than I could but agree with every word

Melissa Hicks said...

You do realise Sisu - that every single one of those 10 points can be said about you too !!!!!

You are my sister. You are my friend!

And we will meet in person one day if we have to rob both our DH's of every cent they possess to do it :) :) :)

Sisu Lull said...

Damn straight! LOL.
I have always wanted to visit Australia.

Melissa Hicks said...

You're welcome any time sweetheart!

Paula Hubert said...

I confess I like Sisu's list better than Mel's because I *know* Sisu's list to be true..

But I will also confess to checking on Molly every time I wake up in the middle of the night for the same reasons....

Melissa Hicks said...

Actually my list was true too - just spoken from an unknown depressed state of mind. When I wrote that, I didn't know that I had become so depressed again ... but it is actually all true ...

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